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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Sorting Ceremony {1894}
Hogwarts had been something she and Mo had waited for eleven - almost twelve - long years for. And it was finally here. They'd joined their future classmates at the station, boarded the boats, and literally sailed across the Great Lake. It had been absolutely dreamy watching the castle get bigger and bigger with the night sky and stars reflected in the water below. And it was made all that much better by the fact that Mo and G were both here with her. She could not imagine this without them and felt a surge of gratefulness that Regina had finally shown her signs of magic last month even if it had been quite big.

But then as the three were led up to the front of the Great Hall under the watching eyes of all the older students she came to the sudden conclusion that with both Ramona and Regina's names starting with Rs and her name starting with an S that she would have to go last. How that had never occurred to her she wasn't sure but the idea of seeing her sister and aunt both be sorted and off to their tables (hopefully table singular) made her stomach turn. She didn't want to sit there with both of them watching her already knowing their own fates. She didn't want everyone to see her reaction if the Sorting Hat put her somewhere different. (Especially Mo though she wouldn't actually tell G that.) She already knew she would be crushed. So many of their relatives had asked if they wanted to be in different houses. Said things about being different people. Establishing themselves. Having space.

But Tells liked Mo. She didn't want space. They could be their own people just fine while still being together. They already were their own people. She didn't want last night to be the last time until Christmas that she and Mona slept in the same room. Being without Mona and G would also mean that she wouldn't have anyone she could be herself with. Everyone would expect her to act this way and not that way. She'd have to watch what she said all the time. And without them to talk, everyone would get upset with her when she didn't talk enough. Shifting uneasily with the idea and the weight of all the eyes, she reached out, brushing her hands against the two girls.

But then she didn't have that much time to dwell (well really it felt both impossibly long and scarily fast all at the same time) as the hat made its way through the list of names - many that she recognized - and eventually, she watched as her sister was called up. It didn't take but a couple of seconds before the hat screamed out its choice, sealing her twin's fate for the next seven years. Its announcement lifted a weight. She'd known her sister wanted Gryffindor. Then it was G's turn and Tells was left standing alone in the shrinking crowd. Like her sister, the hat didn't take long to decide where to put Regina and its announcement returned the weight to her stomach. Hufflepuff. She could see it, she guessed. But they'd been separated and now it was just her left.

And then it was her turn. Bracing, she forced herself to take the handful of steps up to the hat, pivot, sit on the stool, and allow the hat to be placed on her head. Its weight (surprisingly heavy for a hat) didn't make the twisting in her stomach go away. If anything it made it worse as she looked out and caught her sister's and then her "cousin's" eyes. She felt guilty but part of her was immensely grateful that the hat would decide where she was to go. It meant she didn't have to be the one to choose between her sister and G.

"Describe yourself in three words."
Describe yourself in three words. She'd known the hat would ask her questions but she hadn't been accounting for them to be hard. Three words were... limiting. She felt like she was a lot more than three words but she supposed she could find three that encompassed her. I'm loyal. And imaginative. And... she trailed off, struggling to find one last word that she could use that would describe all of her. If only she could ask Mona what other word she would use. Had the hat asked her sister the same questions? And thoughtful?

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"
This one she didn't need to think about. An animal, Tells replied, starting to get used to the idea of talking to a hat with her mind. She wouldn't want to see the future, even if sometimes she liked to daydream about what she'd be when she grew up. (Most of the times she was a knight from one of her books.) It just seemed like a way to end up worrying about something you couldn't change. She didn't envy seers. And while changing her appearance would be fun, she didn't really have any issue with how she looked now. Being able to change into an animal seemed much more fun. I want to be able to run so fast or fly. To feel the wind. Like the feeling I get riding a horse but with my own body.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"
For as much as she liked to daydream, it was always about riding off on a horse. Or playing in the garden with her friends. Or playing a game of pickup quidditch with her sister and their parents. Even if she'd dreamed she was some sort of master witch in a tower it had always been about what was going on around her. She'd never thought of details like what potion she'd made. And now that the hat had asked her, she wasn't sure. Mmmmm maybe something that makes whoever takes it more creative? It would be nice to have something to help whenever I struggle with my music. Unless that already exists.

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"
At the question, she wiggled uncomfortably on the stool. Her first thought felt like the wrong answer. Surely she shouldn't tell the hat that while she wouldn't cheat, she probably wouldn't do anything about someone else cheating. I guess if I caught someone cheating off me I would tell them not to. Beyond that... I think it depends on the details like what the assignment is. Is it their N.E.W.T.s? Then that is horrible. I would hate it if my healer cheated on their finals. But if it is just a question on the homework and they had everything else on their own... well I don't think that is such a big deal. Unless it is something like our N.E.W.T.s I would just try to talk to the person themselves. After that Tella fell silent. She'd never really been one to feel strongly about academics even at home with her governess (yeah she had her things she found interesting but they weren't the most important things in the world either) so it was hard to care too much about it on the small scale.

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"
For a second she just gasped, sitting on the stool like a stunned fish. Who was her enemy? Who did the hat think she was? Why do I have an enemy? I don't have an enemy. And hopefully no one thought of her as their enemy. Sure she liked stories where the knight defeated the dragon to save the day and she dreamed of being a knight one day but an actual enemy? No. Sure I have some people I dislike but enemy is kind of a lot. Well... I guess I don't like it when people tell me I can't do something. Like momma said they'd tell me I can't wear pants here. Does that count?"

[Image: 6p0j01W.png]
Lovely set by Bee!
Miriam had been waiting what felt like her whole life to attend Hogwarts and take part in the Sorting Ceremony. As the oldest, she only had her mother's experiences to go off of, and her mother was far more honest than any older sibling would have been. Papa insisted she write every day, which she fully intended to do, of course, but first she had to get through the Sorting.

Honestly, Miriam hoped she'd be in Ravenclaw. From the descriptions her mother had given for the houses, Ravenclaw sounded like the smartest, cleverest people ever. But she would leave that decision up to the Hat.

"Describe yourself in three words."

She took a deep breath as she contemplated how to respond clearly. I'd say I'm happy, curious, and trusting!

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"

None of the above, she thought honestly. I look like my mama, so I don't want to change my appearance; turning into an animal just encourages bad behavior; and seeing the future just feels like too much responsibility.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"

A speed-reading potion!

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"

Hmmm. Report them to the professor, immediately and with discretion.

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"

This one took a moment to think on, but she was decisive once it came to her. Ignorance, and I intend to defeat it with learning.

[Image: Signature-2.jpg]
Discovering, upon their entrance, that the Great Hall was full of students, all their eyes firmly fastened to the first years Chloe found even among her friends she could no longer quell her anxiety. It was a good thing she was firmly in the middle of the alphabet, she decided, for she was neither too close to the beginning to be paid exceptionally close attention to, nor too close to the end for judgements to have been firmly made. It was this logic which gave her the ability to move when "Greene, Chloe!" Was called.

Shaky legs got her to the stool, her palms damp with sweat as she shoved the hat on her head, her trembling hands she hid in the folds of her new black cloak. And then, quite simply, the hat spoke to her. And being raised a witch, and considering she felt she was rather more logical, she took this development in stride and thought back at it.

"Describe yourself in three words."

"I should certainly hope I am logical, although I do pride myself on my knowledge - which springs from curiosity, I'm sure you know that. So then would I be knowledgeable or curious? Or rather would it be logical as that would then stem from knowledge and thus from curiosity?" These philosophical musings were interrupted by her glasses slipping down her nose, her mind fancied this was the hat's way of telling her to get on with it. "Very well then." She muttered, before remembering not to talk out loud. "Intelligent, confident, and curious." She declared decisively.

But the hat didn't give her a reprieve before pummeling her with its next question.

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"

"Easy. The future. Although, the amount of work it takes to take on an animal form... I suppose that might be the more challenging form. For I really do have no interest in divination. It is fascinating to study, of course, but rather more drivel in practice I think. But you're asking less of the process of getting there and more of what I would prefer to do. Yes. I think I must stick with seeing the future. I should think it would be very pragmatic if one were to put it to use to learn more rather than to learn about oneself.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"

"Help one replace sleep, allowing one the ability to stay away studying at night with no ill effects the next morning." Was her prim immediate answer.

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"

"Inform the teacher of course!" The mere idea of getting by not on merit was absolutely appalling.

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"

Well Chloe certainly didn't have enemies, but perhaps the hat meant this as more of an analogy. Yes, that must be the case. "Time." She decided firmly. "By making use of it well."

And then it was quiet and Chloe was let with her jittery nerves and the realization that while she'd been having a full conversation with a hat all anyone could see was a girl with a hideous hat on her head sitting for an awfully long time. Nervously her legs began to swing as she waited for the hat to say something more.

The following 1 user Likes Chloe Greene's post:
   Caroline Weasley

[Image: hFJbJhH.png]
There were many good things that Caroline had encountered about being a Weasley. She had the world's best mother and her father could give any man a run for his money when it came down to the title of world's best father. She had a thousand cousins that she loved and that meant that almost wherever she went she almost always knew somebody and that gave her a sense of confidence and belonging that she might not have elsewhere. Even now Lou was watching her from the Hufflepuff table, and she’d watched her cousins Jameson, Gideon and Chloe get sorted along with other friends and acquaintances… and then she encountered the downside of being a W. She was forced to stand there watching all the others get sorted, though thankfully not alone thanks to the fact that her final cousin also shared her misfortune in being at the end of the alphabet. It was probably the hardest thing she’d been forced to endure and she struggled not to squirm or play with anything under the attention of so many people.

She shoved her hand into her pocket and realised as she felt the squishy skin of her toad that she should’ve put him somewhere else before the feast… however it was too late now and as her name was called she tried to respectfully go over to the hat, trying not to jump as it began whispering in her head. She remembered what she’d been told about not trusting anything that you couldn’t see where it kept its brain (which she had decided was very handy advice) and wondered how the very old spell worked. Obviously people trusted it to sort them into houses that seemed to matter for the rest of their lives. So… obviously there were  exceptions. She wondered how it worked. Would it read her aura or her mind or-

"Describe yourself in three words." Caroline was quite unprepared to describe what she was in three words and remembered the alliteration that her teacher liked to use to describe her: I think I’d use… curious, caring and uh, and with that she paused… trying to remember the last one. Creative? Crafty? Compassionate? Cheerful? Charming….It wasn’t that last one she’d thought… What was it….  Chaotic! That was it! But maybe it was wrong to use those words, afterall those were some that came from others and was she supposed to say only what was good about herself? Maybe she should add the fact that people called her forgetful, prone to not paying attention when she was uninterested (if she could figure out one word to describe that trait or the way that if she found something interesting her entire life became about that until she grew tired of it… she got called impulsive, thoughtless and reckless alot.. Did that count?  She liked Determined more.. Determined sounded better. Determined and Focused… just on what she liked to focus on.

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?" That one required less thought. It was out of her mouth before she remembered she only had to think it. “Animal” Caroline loved animals and the chance to be one, any animal, would be amazing.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?" Again, that one was easy. ”I’d invent a potion that would allow me to talk to animals and understand what they are saying. I think there would be so many things that we could learn and that they could tell us. They’d be able to tell us if they were hurt, or if they needed our help and would be able to answer so many questions about things we don’t know about them. Like where they go for the winter or-” Caroline tried to stay on track however the idea of talking to animals made her eyes slightly glaze over as she imagined learning about why Nifflers stole things, and answering so many of her unanswered questions.

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?" The hats voice echoed in her head, obviously attempting to get her back on task. Another hard question. Caroline frowned. It really does depend I suppose... In most cases I really don't not care because it doesn't affect me at all and aren't they usually harming themselves the most by cheating? And if they cheated off me … in most cases wouldn't that be a complement, and I might think it really funny?"That of course was her first reaction and then she remembered the few times that Wesley had cheated off her during the rare times the work their governess had set them overlapped. She’d worked hard on her answers and had not appreciated him trying to copy.  She’d sabotaged her answers and made it so obvious that he was cheating off her that he’d gotten in alot of trouble and he’d never cheated off her again.  That’s probably what she’d do - afterall usually if you were cheating you had to be sure that you were cheating off the right person and often she found that trying to cheat when your teacher knew magic and all the tricks and spells often required far more effort than actually doing the work. In fact that meant if the person was cheating was using a cool method to do so she’d probably be far more interested in what and how they were trying to cheat and go ask them about that after class… though if it were as boring as sneaking notes in she bet the teacher would catch them cause that had to be oldest trick in the book. If she had had to cheat she would-

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?" The voice in her head interrupted the stream of thoughts and consciousness rather firmly attempting to return her to the task of sorting and Caroline inwardly flinched. She’d done it again - gotten lost in her thoughts and off topic. She ought to well - Well, she ought to think of the next question. Enemies and How to Defeat them. She thought long and hard. She didn't have anybody she would think of as an enemy. What would her enemy be like? What would her enemy be like? She tried to think.... she was eleven afterall and she didn't think there was anybody she would think of as an enemy - even the very unhelpful girl who made her to fall from the tree in the park. She also didn't think any of her friends had anybody they'd declare as an enemy (that sounded awfully dramatic) - though maybe some might declare their governesses or parents to be so when they forced them to do things they didn't want to do. Caroline, for all the lectures she had to put up with about proper behaviour and reminders to concentrate, to stay on task and to focus didn't think of her Governess as her enemy...If anything Caroline rather thought the poor woman thought that she and Wes were the enemies to her dream of an orderly classroom full of children like Lou who behaved and hung onto every word... maybe the question meant something like that? Something symbolic or metaphoric. If that was the case Caroline's enemy could... would it be her inability to concerntrate on anything that didn't particularly interest her? or the fact that she couldn't just act like Lou even if she tried - what would that be called? Her stomach seemed to clench and she pushed that aside.  Maybe she was thinking about it the wrong way.

She didn't have an enemy now but if she did who would that be? She'd seen boys chase the geese who lived in the park once and throw rocks at one that had fallen behind. She had been very angry then. People who hurt animals made her mad. She and Wes had gone after those boys with some of the kids they hung around with and they'd run away - she didn't even remember their faces now but her enemy would be like that. They'd be somebody who'd treat animals bad and who made other people feel bad especially about things they couldn't help. She'd like to think if she encountered anybody like that she'd stand up to them... but she wasn't that brave. And defeat was a really strong word. She'd... want to find a way to get them to stop doing what they were doing like they'd done at the park. She'd had friends and numbers then but she knew she wouldn't always... and that wasn't often the better way to do it. There was always a solution. She knew that. She just needed to be clever enough. There was always a way to stop a person doing something she disliked. Even if it meant winning because you had more people and friends then they did.

"Are we supposed think of an actual person? Or an idea? Or is this an if I had enemy?" She tried to ask for clarification. "I think I'd like to think I could defeat them if I was cleverer enough. Or if I knew enough. I think theres always a way to do things we've just got to find it.

This ticker exists as an age reminder because Jen is terrible at keeping track of time...
Pip had made it to Hogwarts in one piece despite nearly falling out of his boat not just once but thrice. He'd also gotten a big bump to his noggin when he had hit his head against his trunk whilst packing it into the train. "Manwaring, Philip," was finally called out and up he went. He settled onto the stool but not before first falling backwards over on it. He resettled and the hat was placed on his head.

"Describe yourself in three words."
Only three words? "Charming, adventurous and athletic," he decided upon. Two of those things could certainly be true depending on his mood. But the last was a product of his own personal delusion on his personal athletic prowess. He assumed he had plenty but in reality he had none.

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"
"See the future! Then I would know when bad things will happen and can warn people." Maybe his father would be alive if someone had been able to see the future. And his mother would not be marrying some other man. Though the thought of being able to change his appearance to be taller had a lot of merit.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"
"Help bring the dead back to life but not like... in a gross way," Pip said. If he was more fully aware of what Inferi were, he might have reconsidered his answer.

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"
"It's none of my business so I would ignore it." He wasn't a snitch. Besides, it was below his non-existent pay grade to have drama with fellow students when it was the professors job to catch these things out.

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"
"Julius Scrimgeour," he decided promptly. "I would put frogs in his shoes, a mouse in his satchel and glue in his hat." That would show him.

The following 3 users Like Pip Manwaring's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Caroline Weasley, Eloise Scrimgeour
There were certainly a lot of Pendergasts this year. The hat took more time with Stella Pendergast than it had with the last two, asking her How do you want to be remembered?
Miriam Hitchens was an easy addition to "RAVENCLAW!"
The hat needed hardly any time on Chloe Greene's head before it announced "RAVENCLAW!"
The hat admonished Caroline Weasley for her absentmindedness before sending her to "RAVENCLAW!"
With stepfather issues, the sorting hat was getting a wide variety today. Pip Manwaring went to "GRYFFINDOR!"

The following 2 users Like The Sorting Hat's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Basil Foxwood
By the time they had made it down to the Ss of the list, Connor was a little overwhelmed. He had seen plenty of places, and had read about Hogwarts, but – the candlelight was almost blindingly bright from the front here, and the sea of students’ faces at the tables suddenly looked much bigger. There were so many siblings and twins and cousins and friends already, even amongst the first years. It felt odd. He tilted his head up to glance at the sky or the ceiling, whichever it was – but then the hat came down on his head, and he had to duck his chin again, startling when the hat spoke to him.

"Describe yourself in three words."

Mrs. Murray often called him demanding, and a little tyrant – but then she gave him anything he wanted anyway, didn’t she? So that was her fault, or his parents’ fault for employing her. Other than that, Connor was left to his own devices – he sometimes supposed his parents thought him little more than a burden. But he was better than that. He was clever, he knew he was clever. He was good at paying attention. He was – Fine by myself.

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"

He tried not to scoff at the choices presented. He bet the other kids all wanted to be animals, to be able to fly or swim or climb walls or whatever. That felt like the childish option. And kind of stupid. Mouth closed, Connor ran his tongue over his canines, more conscious of them today than he had ever had cause to be. And then there was his paleness, and the idea that someone, eventually, would realise the rumours weren’t exaggerated at all, and that was what his parents were.

Change my appearance, he thought. Then he’d be able to show people exactly what they wanted to see, and be exactly who he wanted to be.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"

Something that’ll change the world. He didn’t care precisely what it did, beyond that – it was more the achievement that mattered.

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"

Connor didn’t know many children his age, but he suspected half of them were idiots. He pulled a face, unimpressed. Tell them I know, probably. Then see what they do. And, depending on them, he could tell the teacher – or keep their secret. Either way.

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"

He had to think about this one. He didn’t know many people, really, so he hadn’t had much opportunity for enemies. His enemies had been the spiderwebs in the corners of the library, and the yawning boredom of a hundred empty days, and maybe the so-called sister who had nevertheless abandoned him to his mother and Marius, and only remembered he existed twice a year. My father hates me, I think. He pretends he doesn’t, but I can see it sometimes, in his eyes. But – I’m here now, aren’t I? Away from him. And he’s away from me. So I guess we both win.

"Describe yourself in three words."

Little Ellen Ilkin squeaks audibly when the hat speaks in the back of her head. She was doing well, earlier-- well, maybe not well but fine when all this magic was keeping to its own space. Some of it even struck her as beautiful... floating candles had to be harmless, right? Even a talking hat might be... might be tolerable. But this was different. It spoke between her thoughts and she half expected a headache to spring up underneath it. She bunched her hands into the robes which all but swallowed her, clenched her teeth, tried desperately to come up with an answer. It wouldn't do to just... not answer. The schoolhouse taught her better than that.

'Just three?!' she squeaked back in her own head and bit hard into her bottom lip. Ellen had been scolded countless times for that. This time she didn't even notice. 'I-- uh. Father taught me to be hard-working...' Terrified, sick to her stomach, alone she did not say, searching desperately for those things she was always supposed to be. 'And honest. We were taught never to lie... and...and I. We're normal. Just normal folk... no magic, but...' Ellen forced a shaky little breath to stop herself tearing up. 'I guess I'm not much like my family.'

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"

The very thought of seeing the future twisted Ellen's gut into knots. She didn't want to know... God no, now that she was here the very idea of what was to come took her breath away. Never again would she set foot in her childhood home. Never again would she spend Christmas with her parents by the hearth, or build snowmen in the front yard, or indeed so much as visit her beloved Dovecote...

'An... an animal, I suppose... i should like to be a cat...'

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"

'A potion? You mean eye of newt and... wool of bat and all that? Father would never--' No, he would never approve, but she was here now. There was magic in her blood and she had been assured there was no going back. 'Maybe... maybe I would make myself normal.' Ellen cringed as soon as she thought it. 'No, wait.' There had been excitement at the very first, before the consequences set in. What was it she'd thought about that very first night? That it would be so very much easier to clean up if the house cleaned itself? That there must be greater opportunities in so marvelous a world... what if girls could make more of themselves among wizards? She didn't really want to just be normal, did she? 'I don't know if a potion would work... you have to drink those, don't you? I doubt anything you have to drink could give me... give me somewhere to live.'

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"

'Well I-- I would have to report them, wouldn't I? It's wrong.'

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"

Ellen paused, frowned a little more. 'My enemy?' She hesitated longer. So far as she knew she didn't have any enemies... though she supposed many of the village folk might disagree, now. 'People in Dovecote have never much liked magic. Papa was always so proud of us for being normal, and Mama... barely speaks to me anymore. So I suppose [i]I am the enemy...'[/i]

She’d watched the other students walk up to the podium and sit on the stool. Even though she thought she remembered something about what Sorting was, Rorie looked around nervously as the first student sat down. Was it very painful? How did the hat decide where you went? But she daren’t say anything at the moment in case she call unwanted attention to herself. Georgie seemed nice enough that she would answer the questions, but even then Rorie was scared of saying something that might come across as stupid. But she was comforted slightly by the appearance of apprehension on some other peoples faces too.

And she was too absorbed in looking at the other students when her name was called.

“Meadows, Lilibet!”

“It’s Rorie! The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them; it was so intrinsically ingrained in her to correct people on her name, she couldn’t keep the snapping tone out of her voice either.

Cheeks burning bright with embarrassment, Rorie stumbled up to the stool, very purposefully avoiding her aunt’s gaze, and sat down. Was she expected to say a speech? No. Instead something sounded in her ear and she practically jumped off of the stool.

Describe yourself in three words.

You talk?! Can others hear you? Can they hear me? Rorie cursed herself for not asking aunt Dido more. But she supposed she better answer the questions, hadn’t she? Rorie sighed, and then thought to herself, hoping that was enough to communicate with this sentient Hat. Determined. Persistent. Understanding. There. Those were the first words that came to her mind.

Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?

We can change into animals?! Her jaw dropped. After the initial shock of realizing all of these options were something that were actually possible (though the third option was not a shock given Aunt Dido’s talent), Rorie had to settle into thinking. Aunt Dido seems to be quite content at seeing the future, but I don’t think I’d like that. Seems rather a curse, seeing as even though it came true, my parents didn’t believe her, and I don’t think I’d like to be doubted at all. So I would not like to see the future.

Changing my appearance, I suppose, would come in handy, though I can’t for the life of me think for what purpose. Would I be able to change back? — oh that’s right, you’re not answering the questions you’re just asking. Seems rather a bum deal if you ask me. Fine then, I settle for being able to change into an animal.
If she was being honest with herself, that was probably what she wanted in the very beginning.

If you could invent a potion, what would it do?

I don’t know what kinds of potions are out there, so why would I know what this potion would do? She was growing increasingly frustrated with these questions; or lack of answers, and even more so: her lack of knowledge at this entire new world. The chair creaked as she turned in her seat and cast her Aunt a clueless look. Had Aunt Dido seen what house she would be in? Rorie straightened, pursing her lips and looking out at the crowd watching her in the same manner that she watched them. Well, I suppose a potion that gave you confidence would be nice. But my brother is quite confident already, so giving someone like him a potion would be a horrible idea, so you’d have to go about it in a smart way. Is this potion supposed to be given to anyone? Perhaps not. Is there a potion to help those who truly need it? Perhaps one that knew what the drinker needs.

Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?

Rorie frowned. Make it inconvenient for them to cheat again. Once a cheater, probably they’ll cheat again.

Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?

Anyone who calls me that stupid flower name or something other than Rorie. She thought immediately. I should probably think of a spell to silence them; why didn’t you ask me this earlier? I want to change my answer on the potion question.

For a moment, she sat on the stool with the hat in a silence she felt more than heard. One that left her mind a second to wander. The hat hadn't taken this long with Mona or G. Did it ask everyone the same questions? For the most part, it had only seemed to linger on that one girl earlier (Tels couldn't remember her name but it was the one who'd looked like she was a second away from running away). And when it spoke again, for a moment she thought it was done and she started to rise only to realize it hadn't said a house but another question.

How do you want to be remembered?
She changed her mind. That was the hat's hardest question, not the one about picking three words to describe herself. Tels stayed silent for a bit longer this time as she threw the question around in her head trying to decide what she wanted. It wasn't really something she'd ever considered before. At the age of eleven, Stella Aileen had always been far more of one to live in the present as opposed to thinking ahead. Slowly she thought, I think I want to be remembered for a lot of different things. But mostly, I want to be remembered for being happy with myself even if it isn't what everyone else wants of me (like the whole pants thing I said earlier) and for how much I love my family and friends. She thought she'd be satisfied with that. She'd be looked at like one of her storybook heroes then. Kind but daring. And with a happy ending like the heroine always got or like mama and papa had.

[Image: 6p0j01W.png]
Lovely set by Bee!
What was supposed to be one of the most exciting days of her life had started off rather grim. Mother had yelled at her when getting ready (she'd put her school robes on inside-out, and had messed up her braid when trying to tug it off) and then Father had yelled at her while getting ready to board the train (she'd accidentally taken a wheel of her suitcase while turning a corner).

Still, her day hadn't been ruined by just that. She'd actually been very optimistic when she boarded the train, determined to leave her worries at King's Cross. She'd found a seat across from one of the girls she'd recognized from the parties, who was then joined by another girl, and then another. She didn't recognize them, but now their faces were burned into her mind. She could not say for certain what she had done wrong, but one of them had given her a weird look. Now, Culpurnia didn't claim to be an expert at reading body language, but she knew when someone was giving her a look, and what made it even more stressful was that she could not pinpoint what she had done to deserve it!

Then Girl 2 had giggled into the ear of Sneering Girl, and then all three had left to go "find their missing friend" and had never returned. It left her in a glum mood, if only because she was forced to spend the rest of the train ride over-analyzing her own actions.

Now she was at Hogwarts, standing with the girls and every other first year who she'd ben spending classes with for the next seven years, and Calpurnia was certain that what she was feeling was anxiousness. It didn't help when the Hat called her up to the stand, and she spent the first few seconds smoothing her dress and trying to figure out how to force her expression into one of neutrality.

"Describe yourself in three words."

Now, self-awareness wasn't her strong suit. What kind of girl was she? She was friendly, she thought. Very willing to make friends, at the very least. It did not mean others were eager to befriend her, but she did like making friends when she had the chance.

She was open-minded, too. She liked to learn, liked to explore. She didn't get much of a chance to do either at home, but she'd always thought she would make a good student. She liked rules, she liked structure when it made sense to her. When it mattered most, she was always willing to try her best. She was focused, too—sometimes on the wrong things, according to Aunt Temperance, but focused nonetheless.

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"

It was a silly question, not one she'd been expecting at all. She wasn't sure how it could indicate what house would suit her best, and just the thought of giving the wrong answer (and forever ruining her proper placement!) caused her heartbeat to quicken.

But really, would she like to do any? Changing into an animal didn't seem to have any benefits. She'd be able to explore more, and maybe she could fly or breathe under water, but what if she was a mouse? Then her Mother's cat could swallow her whole and she would die. It seemed a rather grim fate. And seeing the future? What if she saw that she'd turned into a mouse and died? Seeing the future only seemed like fun if she could control what she saw, and even then the idea of it made her feel a little queasy.

Changing her appearance seemed like the safest of the options. No one had ever called her vain, but sometimes she stared at herself a little too long in the mirror and her features began to look strange. Maybe she'd make her brow bone a little higher on her face. Or maybe she would trade her brown eyes for a more romantic green.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"

She thought on it for a moment. "No thank you," she said aloud. To even consider what kind of potion she would make, she needed to understand how potion-making work. The thought it inventing one right now—especially when she couldn't even brew one—seemed too overwhelming to even ponder. "We can talk about it next week, though. I'll know them for sure."

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"

She would tell on them, of course! Cheaters never prospered—at least that's what Aunt Temperance said.

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"

Enemies was such a strong word. It was one saved for fairy tales and dinner with her father (because according to him, there were plenty of enemies abound, both at work and in society around them).

She had no enemies, she decided. There was nobody she disliked. She didn't like the way some people acted, but she always did her best to correct them like Mother and Aunt Temperance did with her. It was all out of love.

And besides, were enemies meant to be defeated? Could they not be swayed? Befriended? Avoided?

Connor Sinnet, with his father issues, went off to "SLYTHERIN!" Hopefully he would get along swimmingly with Riley.
The hat mulled over Ellen Ilkin and settled on "SLYTHERIN!" after several considerate beats had passed.
Lilibet Meadows and her temper went to "HUFFLEPUFF!"
Stella Pendergast went to "HUFFLEPUFF!"
Culpurnia Cress joined the gaggle of students in"RAVENCLAW!"

Charles knew one thing and one thing only as he entered the Great Hall alongside the rest of the first years – he was going to be a Ravenclaw. Mama, Papa, his two uncles and his aunts were all one, plus Professor Foxwood, a pseudo uncle but still a blood relative, was one too. Charlie was still nervous of course, because he wasn’t sure he was a shoo in, but he ought to be.

He waited patiently until it was his turn to step up outward the hat.

"Describe yourself in three words."

Charlie held his breath, finding it odd to hear the words in his head. How would he describe himself? “My governess says I’m energetic because I like to roughhouse with my friends and brothers.” Rambunctious was probably the proper word. He climbed over everything and anything, and was constantly exploring hidden corners of the family home or the grounds that stretched for mines. He supposed that made him too. (He and Artie once ordered a bunch of dragon poop too for the fun of it, although Mama was too happy about it.) Uncle Anthony was the one who spurred him on when he was home, letting Charlie climb all over him. His governess always scolded him for fidgeting and not sitting still during lessons, but it wasn’t his fault she was so boring! Mama would call him playful, which Charlie thought was much better.

“Ignacio is mean, but I won’t let him be mean to my brothers. So I guess… protective?” He was loyal to his family and close friends above all else, and while Ignacio was around way too often, he wasn’t either of those. The best years of his life were when the kid went back to Spain.

The third one was easy, and came out quicker than the others. “Stubborn.” Mama wanted him to like Ignacio but he just couldn't.

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"

Uncle Basil could turn into an animal, a raven or a pigeon? Charlie couldn’t remember which one, but it didn’t sound all that interesting to him; he didn’t seem to be able to talk, and he didn’t see the point of parading around as an animal? They were meant to be eaten or kept as pets; Charlie had never seen an animal who called the shots. He enjoyed how he looked even if his hair was always unruly and he hated it when his mama and governess tried to smooth it back, overtimes hiding under the piano or in tight places where neither could reach him so they’d leave him alone. See the future. Charlie finally decided on. Maybe if he could have seen the future, Papa wouldn’t have died in that boating accident.

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"

Charles tipped his head in thought. “If I could invent a potion, it would be a Climbing Potion. One sip and you’d be able to scale any surface—trees, cliffs, even walls—without slipping. I’d scale the castle for the fun of it.”

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"

“I’d tell the professor.” After class, of course. He wasn’t sure he’d confront the student, unless he really didn't like them.

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"

That one was easy, but one he didn't voice aloud, only because he didn't want the other first years to think he was mean. Ignacio Sidonia. I'm not sure how I'll defeat him, but I will. Charlie was going to be the better wizard. Quidditch Player. Person. Ignacio could rot in he –

Charles squirmed in his seat as he tried not to look at the kid in question, his eyes sweeping over toward his Uncle Basil instead; he hoped the professor couldn’t hear what he was thinking because he’d tell Mama, and Mama would not be happy that he was thinking such things! She might pull him out and Charlie really wanted to stay at Hogwarts. It wasn't fair if Ignacio got to stay!

In spite of his desires, Charles Hutton went of to "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Describe yourself in three words."

"Three?! Aye, uh--" Eilish hesitated for an instant, cycling through everything she could present to the hat as evidence of herself. Easily distracted, no, that wasn't very impressive. "Bit of a chatterbox," she started. Nervous but no, that wasn't good either. There was nothing to be nervous about, even if she did want so very, very badly to be in her Mama's house. Hufflepuff was lucky to have her as a matron. "And I love making friends... friendly, I guess? And I love makin' things... Crafty!"

"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"

"Oh, animal, definitely!" The question dumped an extra load of excitement on top of a girl already doing her best not to bounce on the stool. She twisted her hands in her robes to keep herself still. "I've thought about it a hundred times. Used to think it'd be grand to turn into a horse, gallop 'round the meadows, but now I think horses maybe hurt themselves a little too easy. A dog'd be a better idea, you know? Or a bird. I'd certainly love to fly."

"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"

Eilish bit her lip, and thought. And thought. And thought a little more. She understood cooking well enough, did it every day with her Mama, but she'd never put much mind to potions. "Potions usually taste terrible, don't they? At least, the ones Mama gives us when we're sick do-- I think I'd find a way to make potions less horrible to drink. Make them taste like blackberries, or maybe a nice stew..."

"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"

"I... well," a deep breath, a little frown, "do I know them? Cheating's wrong, I know, and I'm not about t'let a friend ruin themselves like that... if I know 'em I'd probably find some way to tell 'em to stop myself, but I'm not gonna kick up a fuss in the middle of an exam. That won't help anybody."

"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"

So far as Eilish was concerned, she'd never had any enemies. She'd fought with her sister often enough, but that was normal, wasn't it? They always went back to loving each other after. She'd been friends with most of the other children in her neighborhood in Galloway-- no matter how much the youngest Murphy boy upset her when he smacked his lips at lunch. Eilish twisted a little on the stool, tapped one shoe against the opposing ankle.

"Well... I don't think I really have any enemies. Not that'd be a who, anyway... but I suppose I gotta answer with something, right? So... Sadness, I guess. I don't remember my Papa that well, or my Grandmama, but I remember how sad Mama was after. She's better now, but... I don't ever want to see her sad like that again. Or anyone."

Eilish McCarthy went to join her mother in "HUFFLEPUFF!"

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