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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

part of their world
May 31, 1894 — The Shimmering Sea Ball
This was the first society event Alcyone had come to outside of the Coming Out Ball she had debuted with. In her more grown up gown suitable for a young debutante, Alcyone still felt like a child play-acting in her mothers clothes. She almost wished she had just worn one of the gowns she'd worn as a student. But those had been taken for adjustments too and would be more like the one she was wearing now when they were returned.

As such, when she spotted Sisse, she made a beeline for her. Besides, she was curious to know how her friend was faring. "Sisse! I saw you dancing with quite the handsome gentleman earlier," she teased lightly, feeling better already for just being near one of her longtime chums.
Sisse Thompsett

It had only been a week since Sisse had debuted. One whole week in which she had attended picnics and dinner parties, made social calls, and tried to adjust to what was now her new life. But tonight was the first ball since the Coming Out Ball at school. She had found herself beset with nerves her maid had readied her. She'd worn another of her new gowns, a soft pale blue gown she had designed. She had enchanted it to look as if waves were crashing against sand on her skirts, a charm that she hoped would enable her to rewear her gowns later in the season without anyone one noticing.

Yet when she arrived at the ball it was easy to step into her role. To smile and chatter as Mrs. Rose, whom her father had arranged to chaperon Sisse this season, introduced her to gentleman around the room. It was reassuring to have her own governess take her in hand, but as much as that was the case Sisse was grateful to have Aly come up to her. It was a familiar and much needed face in the crowd, a friend she could lean on in these new seas.

"Oh!" She blushed. There had been several gentlemen who had requested her to dance whom she had felt were quite handsome indeed. "Do you mean Mister Hollow?" She nodded discreetly toward the tall blonde man who had just arrived from America. "Mrs. Rose says he's got mines in America." Her eyes glittered with excitement at this tidbit of information.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Alcyone smiled as Sisse blushed. Alcyone had yet to really meet anyone that she might take an interest in. Not all men looked as charming as the tragically married Mister Trystan Selwyn. "What kind of mines?" Alcyone asked, wondering if it might be diamond mines. Then Sisse could be adorned in all manner of diamonds. "Was he interesting to speak to?" It had been hit or miss in that regard thus far in Alcyones experience. More than one man had also seemed to enjoy talking about themselves a little too much.
Sisse Thompsett

"Gold, I believe." Which, Mrs. Rose had assured her, meant that he would have a very good income that would support her well. But there was a definite drawback to Mr. Hollow: Sisse had no intention of leaving England. She loved her family, her friends, the community she lived in. To move to America seemed to be the worst of possible fates.

"He was." Came her automatic reply. Afterall Sisse could talk to paint about drying on a wall and still be kind enough to say it was interesting. But this was Aly, and she'd always been honest with her friend. "Although..." Sisse paused not wishing to be ungenerous, "I'm likely being unkind, but he was rather boring. I don't know anything about mines or the geography of America." She'd muddled through the conversation but he'd been very interested in sharing his homeland after she expressed the polite interest in it so further topics of conversation wouldn't need to be sought for.

"Would it be too much to ask for a gentleman who read Isolde Bennet's books? Or even Dickens?" She sighed.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Gold! Then he must have been reasonably wealthy. After all, galleons were made from gold and even some of the richest of them did not always have them in large number. She did not favour the idea of any of her friends being whisked off to some far off country though.

"Then I shall also be unkind and confess I am glad for it. I do not relish the idea of any of us being whisked off to America," Alcyone confided with a giggle. " She contemplated Sisse's question for a moment. "There must be some men like that. They cannot all be unread work obsessed blokes."
Sisse Thompsett

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