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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

The Next Chapter
June 15th, 1894 - Grimstone Residence

The illness she thought she might be coming down with hadn't changed in the last week or so and now Daff was starting to think it might be something else entirely. It hadn't been something she was consciously thinking about, but some of the things her sister's had mentioned early in their pregnancies were lining up and though there were a few clues, she had no way to tell for sure for a few more weeks. This early into her marriage it could be anything really and so she wasn't going to get her hopes up too high, but she was keeping a close eye on it.

Today was a better day, energy-wise and it was a good thing too, Calla was coming over to help her in her little greenhouse with the pepper plants she'd been trying to get up and running. Daff had done a lot of work in the back garden already and in her adorable little greenhouse that Elias had built just for her in the corner opposite her little archway and cherry tree. Twiggy was happy with the move, her little bowtruckle family relocating with the tree from the rooftop of Wildflowers smoothly to the garden.

As with every greenhouse she'd ever had, it was bigger on the inside, but here she didn't need much room. She had started her veggies shortly after moving in and now that they were no longer in danger of any frost, was ready to move them all into the outside garden. "Is it weird yet?" Daff tossed over her shoulder as she dug through her tomatoes trying to get around the enough to move them without damaging them. It really had been a big year. Three marriages, Senna had her second girl, Zinnia would pop any day now and Dahlia wasn't close behind, Calla graduating, her best friend was back safe and sound. Everything was coming around for the better, finally.

Calla Potts

[Image: Daff-Sig-Spring24.png]
Was it weird yet? ... Which part she wanted to ask. The fact she wasn't going to go back to Hogwarts next September? The fact she had come home to the house empty except for her parents and Thistle when she was used to sharing a room with Dahlia and the noise of multiple other sisters throughout the house? Or the fact that somehow, a year later Sloane was somehow alive and she'd failed to recognize her best friend when she'd encountered her prior? Or - not that Daffy knew of this - the dance she'd had with Alice?

Daffy had seemed to imply the changes were positive (and deep down, she supposed they were) but right now it just felt like too much changing all at once and made her head spin and her stomach flip. She didn't even know what to do with herself and now she needed to adjust to everything all at once. It was just to much. But like... you couldn't tell your sister that without it sounding like 'I wish you didn't move away and then get married' no matter how understanding and kind she was. So she turned to the plants before her, digging her hands in the dirt to both busy them and to ground herself.

"It's.... a lot." she settled on, figuring Daffodil could take it however she wanted.

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
Daff noted her sister's tone and mulled over how best to respond with a glance over her shoulder. Call had busied herself with the plants in front of her and Daff considered her again, this time more closely. She looked older, but also somehow aged as well. Obviously she had grown into an adult, but Calla had always carried a youthfulness to her that Daff had admired. Today it seemed to be fading a little, or had faded over the course of the last year.

"It is a lot." Daff agreed with a tone that hopefully conveyed that she understood. She didn't know exactly what Calla was thinking, or what she was referring to, but she knew that a lot had happened just within their family. So much had happened since last July that Daff sometimes felt like she was living a different life entirely. Things had been bumpy and not as easy as she would have liked, for many of them, but hopefully this summer would be better.

"Is there anything you are excited for this summer, will you intern at the zoo again?" Calla had seemed to enjoy that previously, maybe it would be good for her to get back into it.

[Image: Daff-Sig-Spring24.png]

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