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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

House Calls
May 11th, 1894 - Bartonburg

A regular sleep schedule seemed to be a thing of her past lately, the hospital always busy in the spring with the influx of injuries brought by people going outside more often and the animals of the magical community getting a little... spirited, but she was used to it. Having worked for most of her life, she could suffice with a few hours here and there. She much preferred to be busy over anything else.

Sage hadn't gotten much information as she'd stepped into the hospital at the beginning of her afternoon shift, before she was turned right around and assigned to a house in Bartonburg for a "non-life threatening" injury. Well that was good, she supposed, but what, exactly, was she about to walk into? The urgent owls they got to summon someone really ought to include more information sometimes.

Her apparating license was an invaluable tool of the trade and though she had mastered it quickly, she always got a little dizzy on the landing. Said landing happened to be outside one of the neat townhouses of the middle class part of town. They always looked so cozy nestled together and Sage often wondered what it would have been like to grow up in a place like this, but she also couldn't complain about her own childhood. Sure it hadn't been easy, but they had never truly been in want of food or any of the necessities. Without hesitating she stepped up the stairs to knock loudly on the front door.

Open to any Bartonburg resident(s)!

[Image: SageSig.png]
Ephram reclined on his plush chaise lounge, wincing slightly as he shifted his injured arm. The snake charm box, only today arrived from his contact in India, had seemed like a splendid addition to the next performance of the Imaginarium. He had been sure that the audiences would love it. However, the box had proven to be less charming and more hazardous. A misstep during his rehearsal had resulted in a rather painful bite. Now, here he was, awaiting the healer dispatched from the hospital.

The sharp knock on his front door pulled him from his thoughts. "Well, let's get this over with," he nodded to the maid, straightening up with a wince. She hurried to the door and showed in the young woman. "Good afternoon," Ephram greeted her with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, the pain evident in his expression. "You must be here to save me from myself." he tried to chuckle "Please, come in."

The maid pulled her up a seat in the cozy living room. Despite the run-down theater in London, his home in Bartonburg was well-kept, a testament to his taste and perhaps a bit of his need to maintain appearances. "It’s not life-threatening, but it’s certainly put a damper on my day. I’d appreciate anything you can do to help." he indicated his wounded wing.

It took a moment longer than she expected for somebody to answer the door; they had called for help after all. Once she was shown in by the maid, Sage took the offered seat, perching on the edge as she appraised the man before her. He wasn't familiar to her, but she supposed that Hogsmeade was large enough that she couldn't know everyone.

"I'm Sage Whitby, the hospital sent me over for some sort of bite?" Between magical creatures, ordinary creatures and pests, magical items and pests, that could have been almost anything; so needless to say she needed some more information. "Do you mind telling me what happened?" It looked like a bite of some kind, but not one Sage had ever seen before. Regardless, she set her medic bag down and rummaged through looking for a few of her more basic wound care supplies.

[Image: SageSig.png]
Ephram watched as Ms Whitby settled onto the edge of the seat, her demeanor professional and focused. He appreciated the efficiency; he didn't want to spend any more time dealing with this injury than necessary - time was money. Her question about the nature of the injury made him chuckle lightly.

"Well, Ms. Whitby, it seems I had a bit of a tussle with a rather disagreeable snake charm box," he explained, gesturing to the ornate but now treacherous box sitting on a nearby table. "Are you familiar with them? Its all in the name really, but let's just say the box decided it didn't quite fancy me." he chuckled

He winced slightly as he moved his injured arm, the discomfort evident. "I suppose I should have been more cautious, but I was caught up in the magic of the moment, quite literally," he added with a rueful smile.

Sage listened, trying to absorb anything that might be useful to the nature of the injury, but she was left with more questions than answers. Shaking her head, she shrugged a little. "I have never heard of one." This was both surprising and not; she was not very worldly, but she had seen her fair share of strange injuries.

"Is it a real snake? Is it poisonous?" Sage eyed the aforementioned box warily. If it was the latter this was a much bigger deal than she, as a mediwitch, was equipped to handle outside of the hospital. He would need to be seen in the right ward if they were dealing with some sort of poisonous bite. Was that all that it was, a bite? Now she wasn't so sure.

[Image: SageSig.png]

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