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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

April 15, 1893, AM - HoM Classroom during this

Twelve year old Hugh was determined to teach. Given how things had gone when he had attended Transfiguration he figured his students might need something to be a bit more normal. The problem was that Hugh was, for all intents and purposes, twelve and thus he rather would not like to stand up in front of a class of students (not that this was something he relished in the first place) - even if he was taller then five sevenths of the school. Who knew what they'd make of him. Or if they'd even believe he was their teacher. For some reason most of the students had taken to believing he and Gus were students as well.

Which is how he ended up trooping along with the first and second years (scattered as they were after their transfiguration class had almost collapsed on them) to the History of Magic classroom. But when he got there he found the desk empty (of course) and his person much too terrified to step forward and actually teach. So he slipped into a seat next to Gus his hands clammy as he waited for the teacher to arrive, the teacher who never much would not arrive if he was sitting scared next to Gus.

James Callum, Philippa Rowle, Callum Finnigan, Maxwell Beck, Nathaniel Gallivan II, Katherine Arundell, Charity Lloyd, Morgan Valenduris, Lucy Tatting, Honoria Rookwood and anyone I may have missed and/or curious child-staffers! Or anyone really, regardless of year/status. Hugh's definitely not going to speak up enough to make sure you don't attend. ( Elenora Brierley, Ignatius Prince, Gus Lissington, Reuben Crouch, Meserimus Valenduris, Constance Sykes, Basil Foxwood)

Chaos and misbehavior encouraged.

The following 1 user Likes Hugh Bailey's post:
   Basil Foxwood

[Image: Mv1avA4.png]
It had been a wild day already… What with the Transfiguration classroom blown straight through the wall and this whole weird thing about missing professors, Callum wasn’t quite sure what to make of the redhead he’d befriended named Gus. Was it possible he really could be Professor Lissington? Just small and de-aged for whatever reason? Professor Foxwood certainly seemed to think so…

Looking over his shoulder, Cal wondered if they’d get in trouble after all this. He couldn’t imagine why, but Professor Foxwood looked thoroughly vexed as he stared at the hole in his wall and dismissed the class a little early. Cal exchanged a glance with Kitty and made a beeline for the door, grabbing her by the hand as he went. Better not to be the last ones out, just in case.

He lost his friends in the shuffle and by the time he reached the History of Magic classroom, Callum was ready for a good nap. He didn’t particularly like history, of any kind really, and so he settled in the back of the classroom to wait. If he put his head down on his desk and closed his eyes, well, he hoped Professor Bailey wouldn’t mind.

If it hadn't been for Callum Kitty was quite certain she would have died because of her mistake in Transfiguration this morning so she had gratefully clung to his hand as they left the room. But then she'd ended up stopping and apologizing profusely to Professor Foxwood and was later to History of Magic than the rest of her classmates.

She slid into a seat next to Callum as the rest were occupied. Across the way a large boy she didn't recognize looked like he was about to puke. Next to her Callum's eyes were already sliding shut. She poked him in the ribs, leaning over to whisper, "Hey! No sleeping. You made me promise you'd get good marks this semester, remember?" Or at least that's how she'd taken the letter exchange over their winter break.

Then she gave a significant glance across the aisle at the boy. "Besides, I need you to defend me if he gets sick."

The following 1 user Likes Katherine Arundell's post:
   Callum Finnigan
Max wandered into the room with a handful of other disoriented second-years, and took his typical place on the edge of the class. Or, well. He tried to. There was a strange boy in his seat instead. Briefly, the Gryffindor glanced around– but there was no sign of the Professor, not yet, anyway.

Addressing the strange boy who looked like he would be sick in his seat, Max declared, “You are sitting in my seat.” Then he blinked, and wrinkled his nose. “What’s wrong with you, anyway?”

It’s been a strange day. Any number of things could be wrong, he supposed.

[Image: Max-Becks-Sigquote.png]
magical set by mj <3
~ Max was raised in Italy and talks with a bit of an Italian accent / misses some English vocab/slang.
The week end had been rather a chaotic one, but Pippa had been largely able to ignore the nonsense. Still, some of the classes thus far had been cancelled, and though the Gryffindor had been doing well enough in history, she could not help but wish this one had been too. After all—who didn't favour a bit of a break from one's classes, other than the most bookish of Ravenclaws?

"Where is Professor Bailey?" Pippa asked pertly from her seat. Surely he ought to actually be here by now if he was intending to teach them today.

[Image: 67VMrbz.png]
signature by mj ♡ —
Sitting beside Pippa, Forsythia was also curious about where their professor was. Oh, she hoped the class wasn't cancelled. Professor Bailey had a nice, kind face and she enjoyed learning history. The class looked like it might get rowdy with a sick boy and another boy declaring him to be in his seat.

Hugh was quite certain that Mister Beck (what his first name actually was was slipping Hugh's mind at the moment) was one of the most intimidating people he'd ever been faced with. Although, given the situation at hand, perhaps he ought not to be. Ignoring the boy's question he quickly scrambled out of the contested seat with a pitiful look at Gus. Maybe his friend would save him. "Here." He relinquished his place.

One of the girls queried where he was and Hugh positively wanted to melt from the spot right there. Did he take a seat, did he walk up to the board and try to teach. Thinking about facts and history resolved Hugh. He loved to speak on History, and so ignoring the many stars that bore into his back the tall boy made his way to the front of the class. "Has anyone told you yet about the wizards of the Indian seas?" He started, hating his voice and hoping beyond hope that whatever this circle of hell he was in would go away soon.

The following 2 users Like Hugh Bailey's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Philippa Rowle

[Image: Mv1avA4.png]
Callum startled as Kitty poked him abruptly in the side. He hadn’t expected anyone to address him so soon and so he squirmed, turning to her with a withering look as he rubbed his ribs dramatically and pouted. “I’m here aren’t I?” Cal responded, grouchily. “Classes should have been canceled for today! There’s only half the amount of students bothering to come than usual.

As for that bit about defending her… Callum eyed the sick looking kid and gave him a look. It was just at that moment that Maxwell Beck stomped in and began making wild accusations. Callum felt his brows pinch in irritation. “Hey!” He called out, suddenly much more awake than before. “Don’t come in here and start bossing people around, Beck.” He turned to the other kid who’d popped up just as quickly. “And you! Why are you giving up your spot so easily? It’s not actually his.

special attn. to: Maxwell Beck & Katherine Arundell

"Professor Bailey too?" Pippa whispered loudly to her cousin. They had heard—and in some cases, seen—what had befallen some of the professors, but whether Professor Bailey was too easily overlooked to be mentioned or the Gryffindor hadn't simply been paying attention, his newfound... rejuvination had escaped her notice.

"Professor," she piped up, this time intended for all to hear, "you need not conduct a class today if you are... indisposed."

Her tone was vaguely compassionate, but her implication, coupled with the first year's boldness in not raising her hand before speaking, suggested something else altogether.

The following 1 user Likes Philippa Rowle's post:
   Callum Finnigan

[Image: 67VMrbz.png]
signature by mj ♡ —
It was so weird to see professors becoming their age. It had not even occurred to her that the strange boy might be their professor. She felt it should have considering she was in classes with the other students her age on a regular basis and had never seen him before. She nodded in agreement with Pippa's words.

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