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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Pregnancy Blues
23 May 1894 — Whizzard Books

She’d rather had enough of books on pregnancy and feminine hobbies, thank you very much. Adrienne sighed, shifting her weight to avoid yet another uncomfortable sensation she couldn’t describe but was somewhere near her right hip if her estimation was correct. She ran a finger along the spines of the books, looking for the title she was looking for. And just as soon as she thought she was getting close, the title dropped from her mind like a stone.

“Zut…” she muttered, brow creased in concentration as she wracked her brain for the author’s name. But that was no where to be found either.

It wasn’t the first time this had happened. The other day Adrienne had gotten all the way to her room and into bed when she realized she’d left her book downstairs in the sitting room - even though the book was the only thing she’d gone down there for anyways. She was never this forgetful usually, and it rattled her that it seemed to be happening on more than one occasion.

“Olympe, do you —” Adrienne turned to find her lady’s maid no where in sight. “Olympe?” While turning around, she paused to sneeze.

She was met with a startled cry as a book flew out from the shelf and almost collided with the patron behind her. Adrienne stared in bewilderment. Had she just done that? The answer to that came in the form of another sneeze, and a second book and third book darting out from the shelf, this time to hover in mid-air about 3 feet above her.

[Image: VIzcNLA.png]

Not her usual hangout, but apparently Whizzhards had a first edition copy of a rather peculiar foreign book, one that had badly translated to the point that the location of a potential treasure horde was lost to the ages. Hopefully this copy would have the correct location, and also hopefully Daesyn could negotiate a good pri...

"Do you mind, madam!" The curse breaker called out as a book sailed past her, barely missing her face. Accidental magic was for children and the cursed. This time she saw the sneeze happen as the next books launched themselves, the second missed Daesyn by a way, and the third she managed to catch. "That's not normal for you I assume dear?" she laughed, now seeing the amusement of the situation and approaching the other woman more closely to offer her a hankerchief.

Adrienne Lestrange

[Image: JSOqiYj.png]
Adrienne shot a glare at the person who had snapped at her as if she’d been a child in need of reprimanding. She didn’t recognize the woman but her attention was drawn by multiple things at once; the first being the fact that the woman appeared to have suffered a great brain injury if she thought that was a suitable or appropriate thing to wear in public. Certainly split skirts were one thing, but to be dressed like a man was quite another; the next that she managed to catch the book as it sailed three feet above their heads. Dear.. The witch’s nose wrinkled in distaste at the familiar term of endearment from this unfamiliar stranger, and she took a small step backwards.

“Non merci,” She sniffed, fishing into her reticule to get her own handkerchief and dab at her nose. “It is certainly not…normal.” She replied, giving the girl a once over, then looking around to see where Olympe had gone. Feeling quite bristled, Adrienne managed to find her manners and inclined her head. “I do apologize if I’ve interrupted your afternoon.”

[Image: VIzcNLA.png]

Daesyn felt a little guilty now as the woman was clearly in a measure of discomfort at the situation. Perhaps her language, perfect for the road, perfect for the barracks was not quite so perfect for this place. "No need to apologise, miss, it's me that is sorry for my curt remarks, the first book caught me somewhat off guard." Dae placed away her handkerchief and looked at the woman trying to work out if there was some obvious malady in play.

The cursebreaker held up the book, an item that she had grasped from the air somehow. "I find almost universally when dealing with apparitions, curses and other quirks of magic that the choice of books is not random. Care to do the honours and see if the choice of reading material rings any bells?" Daesyn had a smile on her face as she turned the spine to you other woman to read.

[Image: JSOqiYj.png]

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