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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Cheerleaders in top hats
June 26th, 1894 - The Matrons and Misses competition

Open group thread for spectators

Harrison stood at the edge of the event watching the rows of young women readying their spells before being called to cast. The season seemed to be going well all round, he had not heard of the usual scandal that snuck to the surface when competitive courtship was in play. He was well turned out and like probably most of the men here, intended to appear suave and interesting to those around him.

He watched all of the women with interest, paying particular attention to one Jessamine Parkinson a woman he had been getting to know more. He couldn't help but wonder if anyone else had caught her attention yet. He nudged elbows with the well heeled man next to him. "Impressive arent they, It's nice to see them compete for themselves as witches for a turn, rather than simply having to deal with the likes of us all season." he laughed a little, making a joke.

"How about a friendly wager sir, two Galleons on the brunette in the middle versus your choice?" he said, gesturing towards Miss Parkinson.

The following 2 users Like Harrison Knight's post:
   Jessamine Parkinson, Marlena Scamander
Christabel had little intention of coming to this, but then one must support ones little siblings. They were doing rather well if she said so herself. They both certainly had the artistic temperaments to match the theme of the competition.

She observed Harrison's interaction with amusement, noting the sparkle of mischief in his eyes as he made his proposition. Christabel couldn't resist the opportunity to join in the friendly wager, especially when it concerned her sisters.

With a confident smile, she leaned forward, catching Harrison's eye. "I'll take you up on that wager, sir," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of playful challenge. "Two Galleons on Lycoris Dempsey," she declared, her gaze flickering to her eldest sister, "and two Galleons on Shalott Dempsey," she continued, indicating both girls with a pointed finger.

The following 1 user Likes Christabel Daphnel's post:
   Harrison Knight

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
Xavier grinned as he watched the young ladies readying up. His little sister among them. The matrons bracket had gone that morning and it was now the afternoon. "I'll place two galleons on Willa Kensington," he said with a playful grin. He had come to show his support for his sister since she had decided to partake.


"Sir and ma'ams it is then." Harrison said with a smile, quickly grabbing his notebook and making a little tally in case anyone else wanted in on the action.

There was a large variety of spells, with many ladies favouring their Patroni for their charm, but hunerous other spells being cast to impress the judges. Harrison clapped gently as the last set of the women cast."

Christabel Daphnel Xavier Kensington

With Hermia and Cici both in competition, Clementine had been eager to attend, to cheer her friends on. She had felt no real push to compete herself, lacking both the talent and the competitive edge, but could appreciate both the idea and the performance of what was happening before her.

What was happening around her, though, did rankle a bit.

"She has a name, sir," Clementine admonished the gentleman who had referenced 'the brunette in the middle'. Betting on the outcome, while she did not have the pin money to participate, did not bother her, but reducing a woman to her physical characteristics reeked of the patriarchy.

The following 2 users Like Clementine Greengrass's post:
   Fortitude Greengrass, Harrison Knight

set by mj

Harrison was quite pleased to see Miss Parkinson's progress, but was caught aghast by a woman in the crowd with him. He was not used to hearing the tone such as that from a woman, and certainly not in the public circles he frequented. He considered his response, should she be defending a friend, then an offense to her could quite easily bias Miss Parkinson against him, so he would have to be forthright.

"My utmost apology, Miss. I would never seek to diminish Miss Parkinson, I am merely unfamiliar with the people around me and unaware of their knowledge of the competitors names, a visual description just seemed simplest." he gave an apologetic face, he hoped his genuine answer was enough for her not to run off and tell the young lady what a cad her suitor seemed to be. He would not offer her a bet, for fear of antagonising her further, but would happily accept if she too wished to participate.

Clementine Greengrass

"Because Miss Parkinson is the only brunette competing, of course," Clementine answered pertly, looking to the woman of the group for support. Hermia, Cici, Miss Bain, the one who appeared to have trousers beneath her robe, Miss Kensington, the Misses Dempsey—indeed, it might have been easier to list the competitors who did not boast brown or could-be-brown locks.

"You should think more carefully before relegating young ladies to but one characteristic," the witch chastised. Especially one so lacking in meaning.

The following 1 user Likes Clementine Greengrass's post:
   Harrison Knight

set by mj

The sarcasm being expressed by the woman would have been amusing if it wasn't being turned to chastise him. Mr Knight was not used to women who would speak their minds this freely to a strange man, but in honesty it was quite refreshing.

"Again, my apologies, you can consider me educated. Might I ask your name so I do not repeat my offence should we have chance to meet each other in future? And are you perhaps a friend of the competitors today? He would certainly be making note of this encounter and would like to know her name so any future interactions might be held with more civility.

-Clementine Greengrass-

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