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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

See Inside
IV. Silence is Golden
June 8th, 1894 — Crowdy Memorial Library, London

The quiet room at the Crowdy Memorial Library was aptly named. A small plaque beside the door informed patrons that stepping into the room would silence them; indeed, even Eurydice's footsteps had been soundless as she made her way to an available table.

Though the witch was in Britain to do society things, this time abroad also offered opportunity in new resources to solve her particular problem. Eury did not have an overabundance of hubris; she did not think she was at all likely to succeed where seasoned cursebreakers and learned wizards and witches had failed, but while she was resigned to a life with her affliction, a part of her could not quite let go of the idea that she might one day be normal again. Hope was its own sort of affliction.

Today, though, would not be that day. Eurydice was not exactly a gifted researcher, and so her amateur efforts had rather come up empty. With a sigh that she could feel, but not hear, she placed the trio of texts she had been combing through on a trolly labelled returns. Her chair had pushed itself in (again, without making a noise at all), and so the debutante made her way to the door.

Its rattle in the frame as she tugged upon it was the only sound that had permeated the room since it had last closed, a state it remained quite stubbornly in now.

Eury tried again, tugging a bit more forcefully at it, but it was as though it was stuck—or altogether locked.

Silencio! | Complete a thread in which no one speaks. Threads must be at least ten posts long and at least three must be yours.
Open to up to 3 other characters; 2/2 rule!

mj remains an icon ♥ —

Why did he let Millie Potts pick a book from her home library this time, the teenager thought to himself as walked the shelves of the London library He was already a day behind by the time her realised Hogsmead library didn't have a copy, and another by the time he had flooed to London.

At least he had found it now and had decided to take an hour or two to go to the quiet room to try and get caught up with his friend. He sat their fiddling with the page, paying little heed to the other patrons, it was nice, in this horrible city, to find a little bit of sanctuary. Benedict coughed lightly, feeling strange that while feeling the breath on his fist, no sound at all entered the space.

A rattle jolted him out of his serenity as he saw a young woman try the exit to no avail, maybe it was a push and she was pulling, he mused to himself as he went back to reading, offering her only a smile at this point.

Eurydice Lovegood

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Maeve had thought that coming to the library would be a nice respite from being at home. He had gotten an older sibling to side-apparate him while they went off to do their own thing. He liked the quiet room because it meant even if someone spoke to him, he wouldn't hear it. So people were unlikely to try. He looked up as a young woman seemed to be trying to get out. Please, library, let her out so she will stop being a distraction.

To his merit, he got up and went over to try and help in case it happened to be stuck and the strength of two would help.

Christabel had always appreciated the quiet room at the Crowdy Memorial Library, a sanctuary for thoughts and ideas to flow uninterrupted- since her return from the country she had taken to walking here each day and spending some time in the quiet room had proven to be rather good for her writing. She had already completed one novel and was rather a ways through another. It was an ideal place to craft intricate plots or delve into some obscure research item or other.

Upon entering, she had noticed a few other patrons already immersed in their work. The silence was comforting, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of her usual environments in Hogsmeade, Galway, and London - where either her friend set or family were a constant buzz of at best-spirited debate and at worst hostile arguments. She settled into a chair, smoothing her skirts, and began perusing the texts she had brought with her, while scribbling in her note book.

As the minutes ticked by, the soft, inaudible movements around the room barely registered in her consciousness. She was engrossed in a particularly fascinating account of a rather gruesome 17th-century murder when a subtle rattle broke her concentration. Chris looked up to see a young woman struggling with the door. The woman tugged at it again, her frustration evident despite the soundlessness of her actions. Chris's curiosity was piqued. She watched as another patron, a young man, barely acknowledged the woman's struggle before returning to his book with only a polite smile.

Then, yet another patron, a boy who seemed even younger, got up and approached the door to assist. One of her slender brows raised over the top of her book, the little drama by the door rather distracting.

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
Even with the assistance of a young lad, the door quite resolutely refused to move, Eury's unfeminine grunt of effort deafened by the effects of the room. They were stuck in here—trapped seemed rather too dramatic—and the debutante turned to the others in the quiet room.

While others might have struggled to communicate under such circumstances, Eurydice Lovegood was uniquely qualified to not use her generally useless words. Of course, without sound in the room at all, she was unable to knock or stomp or do any other such thing for attention. Instead, the blonde found herself willing the other library patrons to look at her as she pointed at the door, shaking her head.

mj remains an icon ♥ —

Previously lost in his reading, Benedict was not a rude boy and when he realised his omission of action he blushed a little and walked across towards the door, nodding politely to the others that more keenly sought to help. Nobody could hear each other due to the silence spell, they were down to hand gestures only. This wasn't an entirely unusual situation to the petshop owners boy, words having little effect on many animals, but it was unusual enough. The teenager looked around him in search of ideas, what to try? A bombard spell would be a nice trick, but could any of them cast it non-verbally? Benedict certainly couldn't use non-verbal spells on account of his dogwood wand.

Eurydice Lovegood Christabel Daphnel Maeve Buchanan II

[Image: c95hHx7.png]
A boy he recognized as being in the year above him also stepped up to try and help but to no avail. Surely a librarian would come around soon enough and notice the stuck door. For the moment, however, he knelt to get a better look at the doorknob and door jambs just in case it was something there that was making the door stick so resolutely.

Children had come to help, but though both were lads, both were rather slight; Eury had little confidence that they could merely brute force the thing open. She bit the inside of her lower lip, thinking.

Was it a silencing spell upon the room, she wondered, or a deafening one? If the latter, they were well and truly unable to call for help and had to rely on a librarian coming to their aid—possibly not until day's end, at worst. If the latter, however, perhaps sounds made within might still be heard without...

Shooing the boys away from the door, Eury pounded upon it thrice with both fists. If ever a knock was designed to be heard, it was this one, though whether it would bear fruit remained up in the air.

mj remains an icon ♥ —

The woman who was initially found the problem with the door shooed Benedict and the other boy away, before banging hard on the door, hoping to be heard. Benedict formulated another plan and tapped Maeve on the arm and gestured towards a statue. It was a bronze bust of some elderly wizard, perhaps a wealthy atron or even the founder of the library. "Well then Cornelius" he thought to himself, we might yet see see how hard your head. He could move the bust but it was very heavy so he made a gesture to the other boy to simulate a battering ram. He made a pounding gesture to copy Eurydice, then tapped on his wrist where he might have a time peice, then a ram gesture. He hoped the other boy would understand. If after a time, the banging didn't work, then they might have to try and break the door down. At least being wizards any damage would be easily rectified once they could access their verbal components again.

-Eurydice Lovegood Maeve Buchanan II Christabel Daphnel-

[Image: c95hHx7.png]

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