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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

See Inside
Bye Bye Birdie
June 6th, 1894 — Pendergast School for Your Roses, Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade

The young ladies had, Evelyn thought, settled in quite well—though that should not have come as any sort of surprise. For the vast majority, it was not as though it was their first venture from home. They had a sort of naieve charm that was not present in the school's typical students, a way of being that Regina and Ambrosia had only just begun to display themselves. It was, she had to admit, rather refreshing.

"A powerful shot," she laughed from her seat as the badminton shuttlecock arched through the air and landed in the boughs of a nearby tree, "but not a good one, Miss ________. Now," here, Evelyn addressed the young ladies who had decided to spend their free time that afternoon out of doors, "short of climbing into the tree, how might we retrieve our wayward birdie?"

Though she spoke with good enough humour, Evey's face made it clear that a climbing expidition would not be in the cards.
Invitational to up to three Rosebuds:
Eugenia Bramer Wren Burroughs Harriet Bythesea Violetta DeCroix Ursula Kensington Serpentine Malfoy Forsythia Rowle Iris Rowle
2 posts/2 days rule~

so you wanna be a rose?

mj is kind of amazing.
Forsythia would most certainly not be climbing into any trees. As it was, all she could think of was the summoning charm which they all were not legally allowed to do yet. So she figured Mrs. Abercrombie must be seeking another answer. "A summoning charm would be one way," she timidly supplied anyway since it was true.

Wren was not especially interested in badminton, but she had tried her best. She wanted to make a good impression on Mrs. Abercrombie, in case she wanted to be a Rose later. Or if Mother decided that would be best for her. She did feel a bit embarrassed that her shot had gone so off course--were the other girls looking at her and thinking she was an uncoordinated oaf?

"Perhaps we could ask a servant? Or if someone were tall enough to get it by standing on a ladder..." Wren was keenly aware of height, having undergone a growth spurt. She was feeling quite uncoordinated because of it, and did not feel up to the task of summoning anything, lest it go flying past her head and hit one of the poor younger girls in the nose.

[Image: qTXVJM.png]
Thank you so much, Bee!
Somehow, Hettie's mother had managed to make this sound exciting. She would have sworn up and down she would not be a Rosebud this summer-- would have thrown it back in her father's face had the suggestion come one more time from him, which would have done nothing to improve her standing with him. Certainly, she enjoyed being away from home during the school year-- loved living at Hogwarts so much had refused two years in a row to return for Christmas, but this was not Hogwarts. She intended to have fun over the Summer, not flit about pretending to be delicate.

The only trouble, of course, was that she was having fun. However strange that seemed to her, and in spite of how particular the staff were about their manners, Hettie had enjoyed near every minute she'd spent at this summertime finishing school. This game fo badminton was no different. It was glorious to be out in the sun.

"Do we have another?" she asked, and took a wayward step toward the tree into which the birdie had flown, to catch a better glimpse of where it had landed. "We might be able to knock it down. Or... get another one stuck with it."

More girls spoke up including her cousin Hettie. Asking a servant was along the lines of what she had been thinking as well. She didn't really have anything else to add herself so she waited to see what Mrs. Abercrombie was going to say about it and what the actual answer should have been.

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