Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

take up the mallet
May 4th, 1894 — Potts Annual Flower Show
Eros had requested to be signed out for the weekend. Not so much because he wanted to attend the Flower Show but more he had just wanted to be with his family, in his home, where safety was. Needless to say, he was still left a little changed from his almost-abduction that had happened the summer before. He sometimes thought he might never get over it.

His father had wanted him to get a change of scenery so had brought him to the Show. It was great fun so far though Eros was mostly enjoying the one on one time with his father. With his father enjoying a conversation with a colleague nearby, Eros had felt comfortable enough to start up a game of croquet with the provided equipment. "Whose turn is it next?" He asked since they had not yet set up the order of turns.
open to 1-3 others!

eros is half-veela which means females tend to feel drawn to him with older ladies feeling protective of him
Idris always looked forward to the flower show; it was a nice event that (most of the time) was held near the beginning of the Season, but wasn’t necessarily one that required her to be on her best behavior. Plus it gave her sister a chance to experience some things without being constantly reminded she was a squib, whether that was through whispers or the lack of people wanting to put their names on her dance card. She was in a discussion with someone who was rather passionate about the plants, presumably one of the Potts ladies, leaving Idris free to play a round of croquet.
She turned toward the boy and offered him a friendly smile. “I’ll go, if you don’t mind.” Idris was quite competitive, although she was doing her best to reel it in, seeing as there was nothing to gain from a friendly game. Idris struck the ball with practiced ease, sending it through the first hoop with a satisfying thud, which just made her grin with satisfaction. Idris moved out the way before she leaned on the mallet. “Having fun today?”

Chastity was rather enjoying herself--she had seen some exhibits, she'd partaken of some of the food, and now she had joined a game of croquet. "It's such a lovely day for all of this," she commented as she moved to take her turn next.

Given what he had experienced at the hands of an adult woman, Eros was not altogether comfortable with the group that had formed up with him. Still, he had to try and ease back into some sense of normalcy. He hoped at least one fellow boy might join in the game. As it was, his father was still nearby which was also a comfort.

"Do either of you reside in Irvingly?" Eros asked curiously as he took his own turn.

eros is half-veela which means females tend to feel drawn to him with older ladies feeling protective of him

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