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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

faster, faster
Early May, 1894 — Kensington House, London

Since her graduation from Hogwarts Willa's days had been divided into The Season and The Not. The Season came with a very particular schedule, invariable though the events themselves changed week to week: breakfast, calling hour, afternoon tea, an excursion with the purpose of being seen such as a promenade or a carriage ride, back home to change, and away to either a dinner party or a ball. The Not had a strict schedule as well, though of a different nature. The most notable difference was the trading of any socializing for a rotating portfolio of lessons. French, music, art, dancing, riding, geography... it took a good deal to be considered accomplished, but Willa had been told it was worth the title. In early May they were on the cusp of the Season, but today was still one of the Nots; she had just concluded her penultimate pianoforte lesson of the spring, to be resumed again in the fall.

"Do you suppose my ability to distinguish adagio from andante is what will convince my future husband I am the one for him?" Willa asked playfully on entering her mother's tea room. She didn't really mind piano, or her tutor, but it had been difficult to devote proper focus to the piece she had been asked to play given that she wouldn't touch it again for weeks. It was too complex a piece to perform at someone's house if asked to play; her tutor was the only one who would hear it, probably. "I stumbled over the final phrase. I believe Mr. Standler was annoyed."
Tallulah Kensington | Daffodil Grimstone

Gorgeous Set by Bee <3
Lulah was nothing if not efficient. Their days leading up to the opening of the Season were filled with final lessons, appointments at the modiste and thankfully for their sanity, visits with friends. Hosting was one of Lulahs' favorite parts of her life and she did it well. Planning Willa's birthday in early June, then Viola's debut and finally their annual ball at the end of July, would at least keep her busy for a few weeks. As her darling Willa entered the tea room, Lulah had to chuckle gently. "Only if he is a true music aficionado, but most men do not know the difference, so I would not worry about it." Lulah was working through a needlepoint, having heard the practice from a few rooms away. Pianoforte had always been her greatest accomplishment as a young debutante, but she had never pushed for any of her girls to pursue the instrument if it did not also delight them.

"Mr. Standler probably cannot hear it anymore, as he was my own tutor once upon a time. I can work on it with you myself if you like." It wasn't very kind of her to say such things, but the man was positively ancient. A good tutor for certain, otherwise she would not have hired him, but surely he must have been ready to retire soon enough. "I had an appointment made at the modiste this afternoon and thought we could finalize some of the details for your birthday?" Lulah's own birthday was in just a couple short weeks, but she had long ago thought to celebrate with anyone other than family. Shepherd would be home in time for the events, at least for a short while and that was all she needed.

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[Image: LulahSig.png]
Mr. Standler may not have been able to hear her play, but Willa was sure he had some way of knowing when she'd made a mistake; his reactions were too spot-on for it to be happenstance. Had he memorized the piece well enough that he could tell just from watching her fingers? That was impressive, and also a touch disconcerting. Willa had played a lot of pieces over her years of lessons with the man.

"Mmm," she agreed, about the modiste and the birthday. She moved further into the room and inspected the tables for any lingering trays of sweets. It was disappointing to find Mama at needlework; she'd been hoping for a biscuit, but felt conspicuous calling for a whole tray just for herself. Particularly conspicuous if Mama had made plans for their imminent departure; the tea would all end up going cold. "Is the modiste trip a fitting or looking for something new? I didn't expect the two we ordered to be finished so soon," she remarked. Maybe she'd lost track of the day they'd ordered them, or maybe they'd hired on extra help to handle the rush that always came this time of year. Either one was a pleasant enough outing for her; she liked the creativity and imagination involved in picking out new designs and fabrics, but there was something wonderful about putting on a new dress for the first time and seeing oneself full of new potential (even if it did occasionally come with the poke of poorly placed pins).

"Do you think I should have a new bathing suit for my birthday?" she asked. There was nothing at all the matter with her old bathing suit; she'd only worn it a handful of times. She certainly didn't need a bathing suit often enough to have multiples in her wardrobe. But it being a birthday trip seemed to put a little more pressure on to look one's best.

Gorgeous Set by Bee <3
"Fitting, I go word they would be ready." It was a quick turn around, but between magic and maybe some extra staff, Lulah supposed it should not bee too shocking. It must have been a busy time with the season coming up and the debuts all lining up for this years fresh crop. "I need to put in my order for a new dresses as well." It was a two-fold trip. Lots of events coming up and though she was not afraid to wear the same ensembles multiple times, with birthdays and her daughter's debut arriving soon, she should have a couple of new dresses for the occasions.

The question about the bathing suit had her chuckling a little. "If you would like one, we can get a new one." It wasn't something they did often, though Lulah did enjoy the beach at the Sanditon, it was Willa's birthday after all. "It never hurts to update to something in fashion." Not that they were ever unfashionable, but as it wasn't something they often used, Lulah wasn't even sure the last time she had gotten one herself, nor when Willa's has been purchased.

"What else should I have on my to do list for your birthday?" Lulah had most of it pretty well in hand, but if there was something specific Willa was looking for, she needed to know sooner rather than later.

[Image: LulahSig.png]

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