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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Thinking of Miss Parkinson
June 1st 1894 - By letter
For the attention of Jessamine Parkinson

In the early hours of the first of June an owl clatters on the window of Minnie's bedroom waiting to be allowed entry. In its claws it carries a single red rose and a letter addressed personally to Miss Jessamine Parkinson.

Dear Miss Parkinson,

I hope that this letter finds you well.

I must say that I am quite taken by you, if I was to hazard a guess at your newt's I would give you an "O" because you have charmed me. Since our dance at your Coming out Ball I have had you on my mind, your feminine elegance, your perfume and the delightful way that you wear your thoughts on your face. I hope the evening was every bit as lovely as you deserved and that you will remember it forever.

I am aware that it is early in your first season and that there will likely be many more suitors wishing to gaze into those blue eyes, but I wished to inform you of my intentions. I would like to know you more Miss Parkinson, I am of the mind that this avenue could lead to a courtship and beyond, should you not find my company objectionable of course. I am confident that I can offer you at least as much as the next man and more.

To that end I would like to propose we attend an event together, you may have heard of the Bone Menagerie? If you would be so generous to entertain me, I would like to visit it with you and enjoy its curiosity, I hope it would allow us to get to know each other a little better and help me decide whether a second letter, to your parents, might be in order.

Whatever you decide, I hope your season is fun and you enjoy this window where you are more powerful than you understand, you have the ability to make decisions that will change a man's life.

I hope you decide to change mine.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr Harrison Maurice Knight

Jessamine had recently finished breakfast and was doing some writing in her diary when she heard the familiar sound of a beak against glass; she figured it was a response back from Chessie on an invitation to tea when she realized she didn’t recognize the bird. Carefully, she let the owl inside her bedroom, feeding them a treat while her eyes went wide at the address written on the envelope. Mr. Knight had written her?! Her heart fluttered at the prospect of what this meant and she took the letter to her desk to begin to read it in its entirety, reread it quite a few times, before finally penning a reply of her own.

2nd June, 1894

Dear Mr. Harrison Knight,

I was taken by surprise when your owl came this morning, but entirely delighted that you wrote me, as I also enjoyed our dance at my debut. Your words are very sweet and have warmed my heart more than my morning tea, and I see no reason why I should decline your offer to get to know me better. I rather enjoyed starting to get to know you.

Should my parents allow it, I would love to attend the Bone Menagerie with you, it sounds like it will be a wonderful time and I am most willing to share my thoughts with you to better help you understand who I am, and I hope you will do the same. I'll be looking forward to it.

Yours Sincerely,
Miss Jessamine Parkinson

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[Image: jessamine-signature.png]

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