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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Night of Ink and Stars
May 26th, 1894 — COB
The grand hall of Hogwarts was adorned beautifully for the ball. The soft murmur of conversations and the lilting strains of the orchestra filled the air as students and their families mingled, celebrating the coming out ball with a blend of excitement and formality.

Emma stood at the edge of the dance floor, her cheeks flushed from her previous dance. She had just finished a waltz with Professor Prince, her betrothed, and the experience had left her with a mix of emotions. Next year it would be her debut - shortly thereafter she would be expected to marry. The thought did funny things to her stomach.

As Ignatius offered her a formal nod and moved away to join a group of professors, Emma took a deep breath, smoothing the delicate fabric of her gown. Her father's expectations weighed heavily on her, but she was determined to make the most of the evening. Her gaze scanned the room until it landed on Leander, who was making his way towards her, and she flashed him a small warm smile.

[Image: FXPVanK.png]
MJ Did Beautiful things!
It was hard to believe that this was the last night he would be gracing these halls as a student. At the end of the night, he and the rest of the graduating class would be departing via the boats and enter into their lives as newly graduated adults. He was still contemplating which team offer to take. He would still need to do tryouts but they would be more of a formality.

He had spotted one of his younger friends dancing earlier with her betrothed. That whole thing had caused quite a scandal among the students and Miss Flitwick had experienced quite the backlash. He had done his own turns around the dance floor with a couple of girls. Being proficient at dancing was such a benefit for these occasions.

"You're looking beautiful tonight, Miss Flitwick," Leander said, using her surname since they were at a public society event. He would have just used her first name if they weren't. He liked to think they were close friends, especially given the way his stomach always fluttered around her.

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Emma's smiled as Leander approached her, his presence a welcome comfort in the midst of the grandeur of the ball. She couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness knowing that this might be one of the last times she danced with him at Hogwarts, as he was about to embark on his journey beyond the school walls. The etiquette classes and Yule balls where they had been in each others company had always been safe - friends who didn't manage to step on each others toes.

"Thank you, Mr. Hobday," Emma replied, her voice soft, a shy smile gracing her lips. She felt a rush of warmth at the compliment, the formality of her surname reminding her of the expectations hovering over her. "You look quite dashing yourself - and congratulations on...leaving the school" she finished rather lamely, blushing. She couldn't exactly say NEWT results- he wouldn't know those for months.

As they began to dance, Emma's nerves started to melt away, replaced by the familiar comfort of Leander's presence - they had often been paired during etiquette class. She found herself relaxing into the rhythm of the music, her movements becoming more fluid and confident with each step - just like class - just like nothing was changing.

There was something about her friendship with Leander that made her feel safe, like she could truly be herself around him. Despite the weight of her family's expectations and the whispers of scandal surrounding her betrothal, Leander's presence reminded her that there was still joy to be found in the simple pleasures of friendship and camaraderie.

"Are you excited for your tour?" Emma asked softly. For a brief moment, even as her stomach lurched - anxious about her own upcoming travels.

[Image: FXPVanK.png]
MJ Did Beautiful things!
He chuckled as Emma congratulated him on leaving the school. He sincerely hoped Emma would write to him and that they would still see one another now and then over the summer. "Why thank you," he said, enjoying the blush on her cheeks a little too much.

With years of etiquette and dancing lessons behind them, they were quite practiced at dancing with one another by now. He smiled sheepishly when she asked about his tour. "I am not so lucky as to go on a tour. Instead, I shall be joining the world of professional Quidditch. I have not yet chosen a team - do you happen to have one you favour?" He was heavily leaning towards Appleby or Montrose but he thought it would be interesting to hear which team she named.

Emma's eyes widened in surprise and delight as Leander mentioned his plans to join the world of professional Quidditch. "Professional Quidditch? That's wonderful, Mr Hobday!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with genuine enthusiasm. "I had no idea you were considering that path. Any team would be lucky to have you."

"Well," she began, her voice a touch bashful, "if I were to choose, I might suggest the Montrose Magpies. They've always been my favorite team. Their strategy and teamwork are simply unmatched, and I think you'd fit in perfectly with them." She enthused, of course everyone thought their team was the bees knees, but she was a Ravenclaw and they were always right.

She looked up at Leander, hoping her suggestion didn't seem too forward. His eyes sparkled with interest, and she felt a wave of relief and happiness that he valued her opinion. "Of course, whatever team you choose, I know you'll be brilliant," she added, her smile warm and sincere. "I'll be cheering for you no matter where you go."

[Image: FXPVanK.png]
MJ Did Beautiful things!
Leander smiled as Emma seemed truly enthused by his plans. He would eventually have to get a job but he had that planned out too. He would do as many retired Quidditch players before him had done: work in the Games & Sports department of the Ministry. All in all, his career was quite laid out in front of him.

The Montrose Magpies! One of the very teams he had been favouring. "I shall endeavour to join their ranks then," Leander said, valuing her opinion quite highly. It would give him a small thrill to know he had joined her favourite team. "And then I shall endeavour to be your favorite Magpies player." He winked, unable to keep the light flirtatious tone out of his voice.

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