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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
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Potato Wars

Comfort is the enemy of progress
Dear Mr. Hart,
(A date that works for Greg)

I hope this letter finds you in good health. My name is Ephram Diggory, I am the owner and proprietor of the Diggory Imaginarium, a magical performance company that has been delighting audiences across the globe for several years.

Recently, I have undertaken an ambitious new project that I believe could be greatly enhanced by your expertise. I have acquired a wonderful but run-down theater, which I am currently in the process of renovating. This theater is to become the new home for the Imaginarium, a place where we can bring the wonder of magic to the public on a grander scale than ever before!

Given your distinguished reputation, I am convinced that you are the perfect person to help bring my vision for the theater to life. The space requires not only structural restoration but also a creative reimagining to transform it into a venue capable of supporting the dynamic and immersive performances that are the hallmark of my show!

I would be delighted to discuss this project with you in greater detail and explore how we might collaborate to create a magical experience that will captivate audiences and stand as a testament to both our crafts. If you are available, I would love to arrange a meeting at your earliest convenience, either at your office or on-site at the theater, to further elaborate on my plans and hear your invaluable insights.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I eagerly await your response and the opportunity to work with you.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Ephram Joseph Diggory

Gregory Hart

Gregory Hart was a proper wizard, one who did not believe in God or any sort of afterlife. The letter, however, was out of the blue but felt almost like divine intervention. Work. Paid work, presumably, in which he might take the lead instead of following the direction of the partners. The apprentice architect quite literally could not afford to look this gift horse in the mouth. The mention of his "distinguished reputation" did rather cause him a moment's hesitation, but with his circumstances being what they were, the wizard penned a reply to the missive nonetheless.

4th June, 1894

Mr. Diggory,

If your Imaginarium demonstrates the diligence of your flattery, I am confident that it shall be a successful venture indeed. I am intrigued by this opportunity, and should like very much to examine it in more detail. Have you any existing plans or diagrams of the theatre that I might examine? I should like to form even a rough impression before meeting.

With regards,
G. J. Hart
Ephram Diggory


Dear Mr. Hart,

Thank you for your prompt and encouraging response. Your interest in the Imaginarium's new home is most heartening, and I am eager to see how your expertise can bring our vision to life.

I have enclosed the current plans and some rough sketches that outline both the existing structure and my initial ideas for its transformation. These documents include:

Current Floor Plans: Detailing the layout of the theater as it stands, including the main auditorium, stage, backstage areas, and existing support facilities.
Proposed Modifications: Sketches that illustrate my vision for the renovation. These include expanded seating arrangements, enhanced stage mechanisms for magical performances, and aesthetic improvements to create an atmosphere of wonder and enchantment.

I hope these materials provide a sufficient foundation for you to form an initial impression. However, I firmly believe that an on-site visit will allow you to better appreciate the potential and unique challenges of the space. To that end, I would like to suggest a meeting at the theater at your earliest convenience. This will give us the opportunity to walk through the site, discuss the details in person, and collaborate on refining the design.

Please let me know your availability in the coming days so we can arrange a suitable time for our meeting. I am excited about the prospect of working with you and am confident that together we can create a venue that will captivate and inspire our audiences.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Ephram Joseph Diggory
Owner, The Diggory Imaginarium
Gregory Hart


12th June, 1894

Mr. Diggory,

I have taken a look a the plans. They are certainly ambitious, but not at all outside the realm of possibility. I have attached my availability and look forward to meeting with you in person to discuss the matter futher.

With regards,
G. J. Hart
Ephram Diggory


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