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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

What Exactly is the Function of A Crystal Ball?
June 14, 1888
Dear Mr. Carmichael,
I hope your summer break is going well as I'm afraid this letter might briefly interrupt it.  I'm writing to ask you about the nature of crystal balls.  I did not struggle as much with them as with tarot cards in in school but I can't recall if you went over what part of crystal balls lends itself to the Inner Eye.

I am sure you heard about the fog that settled over Irvingly (if you haven't you might want to read the papers because it's spread to Hogsmeade).  For a while I had to walk through it the edges of it to be able to apperate and whenever I did it seemed to sort of nag at my Sight.  Like a kind of itch.   

Now the fog has expanded so much its not really practical to leave anymore and I've so much time on my hands i started wondering... Could the fog be working like a crystal ball?  Which lead to my question - is it the crystal or the swirling mist inside?
Sincerest Regards,
Temerita Reid


Miss Temerita Reid,
June 16th
It's a combination: the crystal's reflective policies operate much like a mirror would, and can provoke the Inner Eye in that way. The other facet of the crystal ball, the swirling mist within - well, I've always believed that attempts to see what the mist looks like can stimulate real predictions. So, in short - yes. The fog could be irritating your Inner Eye as it - and you - try to See. That would also back up another theory of mine; I do not believe that the fog can disrupt Sight, as it does not seem to have an impact on physiological changes, and Seeing is at least somewhat inherent to the body.

I have not been to the fog and cannot confirm that it would have the same effect on myself. I do hope you've been well otherwise. How is your family? Never worry about bothering me; you know that I am not up to much.

Kind Regards,
E. Carmichael

avs by Bee!
June 17, 1888
Dear Mr. Carmichael,
Well that is a relief I suppose.  And a little disappointing.  I wondered what it would be like if the fog did affect it.  Would I even notice or perhaps it would all be a little quieter.  On a related note, I feel like I should have guessed the reflection played a role considering my own reliance on mirrors.

My family is well, all fog things considered.  I think we are managing better than most - benefits of a muggle mum.  But it is gloomy and eerie and now that I can't apperate out its honestly a bit boring.  I guess we both aren't up to much.  At least you don't have to resort to cross stitching by candlelight?  
All the best,
Temerita Reid


Miss Temerita Reid,
June 18th
I will keep that in mind - cross stitching & candlelight does not sound very enjoyable long term. Stay safe and keep the faith, I suppose - I'm sure that it'll lift sooner or later. It's always lifted before.

I only say this since we were discussing the Sight - but you may have heard, besides. I had a Vision at the Coming Out Ball, and would very much appreciate the opportunity to get your thoughts regarding it, either through mail or in person when you are once again reachable.
Kind Regards,
E. Carmichael

avs by Bee!
June 20th, 1888
Dear Mr. Carmichael,
Of course I can.  I'll leave the medium to your choosing.  As you know I am quite stuck here and, considering the fog, I am sure you won't take offense when I recommend you do not join me.

I trust you know you needn't wait until I broach the subject to ask me Sight things.  Admittedly, I am usually uncomfortable when people ask or demand a Vision from me but I trust your discretion.  I'd say its different coming from another Seer but I don't know many others.
All the best,
Temerita Reid


Miss Temerita Reid,
June 24th
I wish there was a way for you to escape the fog; not for my purposes, although surely I would like to see you if it were possible. I was also thinking similarly re: asking Sight questions of Seers, although like yourself, I know very few. There's the two of us, and Miss Cassandra Trelawney, (who is likely the most powerful Seer in Britain,) and now I suppose the famed Miss Valentine. Maybe a few others.

You know how I feel about Tarot, but a mirror or crystal ball may be more helpful, given your own predilections.
Kind Regards,
E. Carmichael

avs by Bee!
July 8th, 1888
Dear Mr. Carmichael,
I am sorry for the delay in responding.  I did set out to write you a few times but things here kept evolving and it felt prudent to keep the owl close just in case.  Then a chance to leave Irvingly came up and I was doubly keen to keep her available for that correspondence.  It's easy to forget how far Wales is from Scotland, even as the crow or owl flies.  

All of that is to say - with luck your next owl should find me in London and I will be available for whatever help you may need.  After dealing with toads and locusts even tarot wouldn't put me out.      
All the best,
T Reid


Miss Temerita Reid,
July 12th
I am very glad to hear of your escape! (Assuming that you are, at this time, in London.) I'm scheduled to find myself there on the 25th - would you be able to meet up that evening?
Kind Regards,
E. Carmichael

July 16th, 1888
Dear Mr. Carmichael,
I am indeed in London now and no one could be more glad than me!  The 25th would suit just fine  
Until then,
Temerita Reid


Miss Temerita Reid,
July 18th
I'll see you then, then. Would you prefer to send me your address or should I come to Ollivander's?
Kind Regards,
E. Carmichael

avs by Bee!
July 20th, 1888
Dear Mr. Carmichael,
Meeting at the shop might be best as I seem to be living something of a transient lifestyle for the time being.  It could be described as thrilling - if one had a romantic eye for such things.  There are a number of places in Diagon Alley where a deck of cards wouldn't be out of place but I am sorry to say I can't imagine a crystal ball would be inconspicuous anywhere.  
Until next,
Temerita Reid


Miss Temerita Reid,
July 21st
I'll come to Ollivander's and we can walk over to the Desserterie; it has seating, and is thus socially acceptable to do readings. (If you squint.) Thank you again.
See you soon,
E. Carmichael

avs by Bee!

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