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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

May 4th, 1893 — An Empty Classroom

The air was thick with the smell of burning candles and the sound of pages turning as the young man sat alone in his study, pouring over an ancient tome on transfiguration. Cad had been practicing transfiguration alone for hours, perfecting his technique and honing his skills. His concentration was absolute, his mind focused entirely on the task at hand.

He felt a chill run down his spine, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. It was as if someone was watching him. He looked around the room, but there was no one there. He shrugged it off and went back to his studies, but the feeling persisted. He re-read the page that had been interrupted, but the feeling persisted and he slammed the book shut, standing so viciously his candle toppeled over and sputtered out.

'Alright who is there?' he snapped, drawing his wand anticipating the impish giggles of a first year with their hands on invisibility potion.

[Image: Dmd4EHa.png]
Behold the Awesome of Stefanie!
Natty checked his scrap of parchment. Apparently his next stop was a classroom up here on the right. Hogwarts' brand new Groundskeeper should've finished work for the day an hour ago, but this particular task was dragging on account of this castle behaving like a labyrinth at the best of times. Was the classroom even on the right? Or was it on the left? Had he got turned around? Fortunately, Natty was a calm sort of person who took getting lost in his stride — and with this kind of attitude he found the empty classroom soon enough.

But it was not empty at all. The door was ajar, and through the gap he could see the form of a studious soul hunched by candlelight. Natty stood there a moment, silent, unsure how to proceed. But the stranger in the room sensed his presence and panicked, knocking aside his candle and threatening the shadows with a brandished wand. Natty lit his own wand and opened the door to make his presence known. "I didn't mean to intrude, sir", he told the young gentleman calmly. "I'm the Groundskeeper. Recalling dittany plants", he explained briefly with a slight gesture of his other hand, in which he held a half-full burlap sack. Sure enough, this classroom had a number of dittany plants growing in long pots by the dark windows.

[Image: BLnagMn.jpg]
Cads nose wrinkled reflexively as he assessed the grounds keeper. A man who he had almost studiously avoided during his time in the school - after all what could the heir of one of the notable wizarding houses in all of England have to say to the...help. Still he managed to school his features , hiding his embarassment at having been so startled from the other man - and Cad did now consider himself a man. He was to join society properly in the next few months - then he would not be a student, speaking to a member of school staff , he would be this man's superior in every sense and it would not do for some noboddy to be able to tell the tale of how he had scared the future head of the Auror's office.

He composd himself, straightening his suit with a sharp downward tug on the bottom of his jacket. 'It is quite alright,' his tone already imperious and superior. 'I thought you perhaps a junior student breaking curfew.' he added by way of explanation. It was an excuse he had used a great deal in situations that had made him uncomfortable, and he wasn't entirely suye what he would do when school was over and he no longer had his prefect status in his back pocket. Hoping to change the subject he turned his attention to the sack and the grounds keepers menial task. 'recalling the ditany?' he questioned 'is something amiss with them?'

[Image: Dmd4EHa.png]
Behold the Awesome of Stefanie!
Natty was perfectly well-used to the haughty tone that followed these young gentlemen around like the wagging tail of a well-bred pup. He accepted the class system just as he accepted the air he breathed and the water he drank — the only thing he judged here was the fact that the student was polite. A positive thing.

He was also curious, which was understandable. And far preferable to the possibility that he might be alarmed and attempt to shoe Natty out and prevent him from doing his job. "Yes, these are all cuttings from a plant that has turned out to be infested." Heading over to the windows, he lit a couple of candles so he could extinguish the light on his wand, then used his wand to levitate the dittany neatly out of the pots and into the sack.

The tall Groundskeeper glanced back over his shoulder at the lad. "To be honest, I never intended to do this so late. But I've only been working here a few days — I got lost."

[Image: BLnagMn.jpg]
Cad listened attentively, his curiosity mingling with a newfound respect for the Groundskeeper's dedication to his duties. He didn't show it outwardly, maintaining his composed demeanor, but he couldn't help but appreciate the man's commitment to his work. The encounter had piqued his interest, and he decided it wouldn't hurt to inquire further.

"Well, Mr. Groundskeeper, I must say, your dedication to your responsibilities is admirable," Cad remarked, his tone cool. "It seems you have quite the task on your hands. Is there some specific purpose the headmaster wants the dittany recalled?"

As he spoke, Cad's gaze wandered to the dittany plants, the subtle fascination with their magical properties evident in his eyes. He also wouldn't miss an opportunity to ingratiate himself to Headmaster Black. As close as he was to graduating Phineas Black was still a notable member of society, worthy of currying favour with.

[Image: Dmd4EHa.png]
Behold the Awesome of Stefanie!
Natty gave a nod of acknowledgement, appreciating the praise he supposed. Or, at least, appreciating the thought behind it. "My name's Copper", he gave the young man something to call him other than Mr Groundskeeper, though that would do fine too.

When asked why the dittany was to be recalled, Natty paused in what he was doing to glance over at the lad. He seemed perfectly serious. But had Natty not just explained why the dittany was being recalled? He wasn't certain how to address that fact, so he simply stated; "it is to prevent the infestation from spreading, or killing the plants. Though I rarely have orders given to me direct from the Headmaster anyway. I'm largely expected just to get on with things."

[Image: BLnagMn.jpg]
Cadawalader listened to the groundskeeper's response with a cool detachment. The man had the audacity to introduce himself as Copper, as if that would make any difference to Cad. His disdain for the lower class was well-practiced and deeply ingrained. He didn't especially care for his identity, but this fact he kept to himself.

When Copper explained the reason for recalling the dittany, Cad's eyebrows furrowed in irritation. Hadn't he just asked that question? It was clear to Cad that the groundskeeper was either slow-witted or purposely trying to test his patience. Nevertheless, Cad maintained his composed demeanor, a mask of superiority firmly in place.

"Of course, preventing the infestation and protecting the plants," Cad responded, his voice dripping with condescension. "I can take the extra as potions ingrediants if you would like." he said.

[Image: Dmd4EHa.png]
Behold the Awesome of Stefanie!
Natty wasn't entirely sure what had just happened. As far as he was aware, the boy had asked the same question twice, Natty had obediently responded twice -- and now the young student had gone from curtly complimentary to irritable and patronising. Well alright then. It wasn't Natty's job to try and understand the minds of these students.

"I'm sure you don't want these things crawling up your arms", he replied, referring to his bag of possibly-infested dittany. With his task done and others ahead, Natty made to leave. "Enjoy your evening, sir.".

[Image: BLnagMn.jpg]
Cadawalader watched with a hint of satisfaction as the groundskeeper finally acknowledged the potential threat of the infested dittany. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. He allowed himself a brief, tight-lipped smile, satisfied with having asserted his superiority once again.

As the groundskeeper made his departure, Cad nodded curtly in acknowledgment. "Indeed, I have no desire for such nuisances," he responded, his tone cool and detached. He watched as Copper gathered his belongings, ready to continue with his menial tasks elsewhere.

"Very well. I bid you good evening," Cad said, his voice devoid of warmth or genuine concern. He turned his attention back to his own pursuits, dismissing the groundskeeper from his thoughts. After all, there were far more important matters for him to attend to than a mere encounter with a lowly staff member.

With that, Cadawalader resumed his studies, leaving the groundskeeper behind, a fleeting figure in the grand scheme of his ambitions.

[Image: Dmd4EHa.png]
Behold the Awesome of Stefanie!

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