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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

when you get older your wild heart will live for younger days;;
26 November 1892 - Dashwood Wintertide Hunt, Dashwood Hall, Surrey
Poppy Dashwood had an irregular feeling about how today was going to go. Sleep the evening prior had been nearly impossible, and as she stood in front of her grand mirror at Dashwood Hall, she felt... nervous, for the first time in quite awhile. This hunt was going to be a familial endeavor for the most part, with a few select parties invited to stay longer than the rest and with part of the eligible ton joining them today. It was none of these aspects that settled awkwardly in her gut; it was the ‘select invited parties’ that she perhaps hadn’t quite considered.

On the one hand, she was incredibly excited for the opportunity to show Mr. Kristoffer Lestrange her beloved Charles and prove to him, once and for all, the folly it would be to attempt taming such a beautiful, wild spirit with brute force. It was the heart and soul of this event after all; the very reason she’d suggested to mama to host a hunt in the first place. She’d framed it as a gesture of thanks to the Foxwoods for hosting her in London all season while the family remained in Surrey, but frankly, since Poppy had mentioned the prospect of a hunt to Kristoffer a few months prior, she hadn’t been able to shake the thought from her mind. There was something about showing him her home, part of her small world and her crazy family, that was exciting. Even if they were merely friends.

On the other hand, there was then the much more serious prospect of Mr. Cassian Valenduris asking for courtship on this trip. Asking him had been Georgiana’s real intention, and if she’d asked Mr. Lestrange it was only to even the numbers as Ms. Victoire and some of the others filled out the party. Poppy’s heart twisted a little at the thought. She was… excited at the prospect of formally courting someone, even if it was the introduction of restriction into her life. She would have to be careful if he asked not to show any favoritism to any other gentlemen, especially not Mr. Dempsey or well —Kristoffer. Poppy’s nose wrinkled delicately at her reflection. She was allowed to have friends after all.

Smoothing the skirt of her pristine riding habit, Poppy sucked in a small breath. The heavy black fabric would protect her against brambles and the red jacket was just flashy enough to match her personality. Mama had surprised her last night with a new hat, but even the fashion statement she was making was not enough to soothe Poppy’s nerves. The brunette gave her tidy hair a small pat and decided she best be off. Soon the rest of the house would rouse and her window of opportunity would be lost.

Hat, crop and veil in hand, Poppy slipped out the door of her bedroom. It was early yet, the sun just barely rising over the horizon. Her heart hammered in its place as the mischievous brunette snuck through the halls. Everyone was yet sleeping save for the house elves and a few human servants that bustled about lighting fires and the like. Poppy managed to evade detection as she rounded a corner and elegantly rapped her leather-bound knuckles against one of the guest room doors. Hopefully her target was not a light sleeper.

Kristoffer Lestrange & theme song + charles the dapple menace

© Fox
That Poppy Dashwood had actually managed to find an opportunity for her family to host a hunt, as she’d promised him more than half a year ago, was as hilarious as it was impressive. Not that a winter hunt was particularly shocking in itself, but Kristoffer preferred to think she just had everyone wrapped around her little finger and, as such, had concocted all this herself for some nefarious ulterior motives.

Like meeting her precious Charles, or whatever. He could only assume that was why he’d been invited to stay – you know, as if he ever questioned anyone’s good taste in inviting him anywhere. Still, although seeing Poppy Dashwood was as much a quiet priority this weekend as his usual (more brazen) aim of enjoying himself no matter the cost, at first thing in the morning, shockingly Miss Dashwood hadn’t yet crossed his mind.

Mostly because Kristoffer hadn’t hauled himself up out of the bed yet, and was lazing around in the guest room in a half-awake morning doze. He heard the knock on the door and rolled onto his side, hardly bothering to open his eyes at it. “Come in,” he called blearily, kneading his temple before craning his neck to catch a glimpse of the nearest clock. Still early. Presuming it was a maid or a footman come to light the fire or some chore or deliver some mundane morning message about breakfast, Kristoffer propped a cushion behind his head and sat up slightly in bed to see just what they wanted.

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   Poppy Dashwood

At the sound of Kristoffer’s sleepy morning call, Poppy frowned at the vaguely familiar door (not wholly familiar, she didn’t make a habit of bombarding guests before sunrise when they visited) and hesitated. It was rather more than she was expecting to actually be invited inside the guest room. Frankly, she’d been hoping he might just answer her and be all dressed and ready but… realizing now that was likely ridiculous, she felt somewhat silly. There had been no discussion as to this little adventure the evening prior, not even so much as a note. What if he thought her too brazen? Or worse, what if he entirely misunderstood her intentions? Poppy’s heart beat quickened at the thought.

It was one thing to waltz about unchaperoned in the light of day. It was entirely another to step into a gentleman’s bedroom, before sunrise, while the whole of her family house slept around them. She hadn’t thought this one through at all. Just then, the sound of shuffling down the hall floated through the silence towards her and Poppy panicked. Well, there was no turning back now. Being caught standing here was as bad as being caught inside.

She turned the handle quickly and invited herself into the room, shutting it behind her back with a gentle click. Poppy leaned against the door like a trapped animal and sought blue eyes that were, by now, wholly familiar. When she found them, across the way and still in bed, a brilliant blush bloomed across her face. “Good morning,” she quipped, embarrassed and nonchalant all at once. She cleared her throat and averted her gaze, peeling herself off the door. “I imagine you were not expecting visitors so early, but might you consider getting dressed? I’ve… something to show you.”

It was a brave demand considering the look of things. Poppy distinctly avoided eye contact however, hoping the implication would be simply that she had just meant to fetch him, as she had. Then, deciding to turn her back for good measure, the brunette laced her fingers together and held to the edge of her new hat firmly. Again she found herself staring at the door. “I’ll wait,” she added, for clarity.

Kristoffer Lestrange & theme song + charles the dapple menace

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   Kristoffer Lestrange

© Fox
He shot up straight when he saw that it was her, for some reason already fully dressed in her riding clothes and here in his room. “Fucking Merlin, Poppy,” Kristoffer hissed at her, the erratic thump of his pulse making him forget his polite-society-filter for crassness entirely. He peered at her for another moment in complete dumbfounded shock – and then, when the worst of the shock was over, had to admit he was almost amused by the strange juxtaposition of apology in her tone and the absolute shamelessness of her actions.

Kristoffer threw off the covers and slid out of bed, a little sheepish, himself, about having to pad across the room in his pyjamas. He ran a hand through his hair as if that would make it any less tousled, and went, blearily, for the chest of drawers across from where she was still standing by the door. He began to rummage for a shirt and trousers and whatnot; but his mind was hardly concentrated on that dull endeavour, and his head kept turning over his shoulder in curious looks at her.

“No, for some reason I wasn’t expecting to be held to ransom first thing in the morning,” Kris said, when a measure of his wits and usual snideness had finally returned to him. He didn’t feel the need to add the (...well, obvious) fact that Poppy Dashwood was about the most enticing prospect he could imagine for a spontaneous intrusion or apparent abduction. “So,” he drawled, however, because she had incited this and caught him off guard and already piqued his interest most unfairly and he couldn’t resist teasing her in return, “what is it you want to show me so desperately? That riding hat?” He posed the question as he pulled the nightshirt off over his head, quietly hoping the question might see her glance over at this particular juncture whilst he was shirtless. She was angled towards the door, but he also considered that she was an impatient creature: so Kris decided he might as well follow her instructions to get dressed at a rather – leisurely pace.

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   Poppy Dashwood

Everything in Kristoffer’s expression then, and the three little words that slipped from his mouth, made a current of goosebumps rise all along the brunette’s arms. She wasn’t one for curse words, finding them in fact quite vulgar and proof of poor breeding, but the surprise coupled with her name was enough to raise a dangerous little thrill that shivered all along her spine. That had been a genuinely real reaction and some small part of Poppy was almost smug at having cracked through Kristoffer’s facade. Still, she continued to blush and quickly averted her gaze, turning towards the door.

He’d looked so disheveled when she came in that her heart couldn’t seem to calm in its rapid pounding. What a sight, goodness gracious. It was like walking in upon Adonis at the temple of Aphrodite: alarming, enrapturing, and entirely inappropriate! (There was something endearing, however, about the dumbstruck look on his face and the messy bedhead that she couldn’t quite seem to shake.) So too-- Poppy was a little bit keen on the notion that even Kristoffer Lestrange slept in bedclothes like everyone else and the thought made a small smile come to her face. She couldn’t help but grin at the door while she waited, listening to him bustle about. At his quip, her grin only turned into a small laugh that the brunette attempted to swallow.

“Well, you’ve certainly learned your lesson,” she teased, as if there was nothing at all unusual about this circumstance. Rocking on her toes a little bit then, growing (predictably) impatient, Poppy studied the wood paneling on the door. It was about the least interesting thing in this entire room right now and she was positively confined to it. As Kristoffer moved about the room, likely gathering his things, Poppy sighed a little bit to herself. She was not a patient person, by nature, and found herself wondering if it would take him nearly as long as it had taken her to attire himself and get a move on. Luckily, it would seem he would not because the blonde spoke again and Poppy found herself turning to address him properly.

No,” she quipped, rolling her eyes as she went. “There’s nothing interesting about—” Her voice fell away then as Poppy realized she had turned much too early. Merlin’s beard what a mistake. Face flushing redder than she was sure it had ever flushed in her life, the brunette blinked once, twice, and three times in rapid succession. “A-about… this hat,” she finally concluded. Then, realizing she was unabashedly staring at the gentleman’s bare torso, Poppy flickered her hazel gaze quickly up to his face (another mistake) and pointedly turned to look towards the window.

She felt quite warm suddenly under all these layers. It was as if someone had taken and pushed her directly over an open flame. Pale skin about the same color as a tomato, Poppy made a small noise in the back of her throat as if clearing it. “It’s erm— Charles,” she tried, dropping her gaze to the hat and pinching the brim between her fingers. Any words that may have followed thereafter, particularly those in explanation, seemed ridiculous now and Poppy wondered if this escapade was at all worth the trouble anymore. Originally her intention had been to bring Kristoffer along as she collected Charles from the field, giving the blonde a chance to meet her horse properly. Maybe even try his hand with the gelding in private before Charles inevitably won the negotiation. But… all of this might just as easily have come during, or even after breakfast. (There may have been more hands and guests about, but surely it wouldn’t have been nearly so ridiculous?)

Poppy felt herself grow infinitely more embarrassed and quickly pivoted in her spot back towards the door. It was too late to turn time now. She would have to face his chagrin with her head high.

Kristoffer Lestrange & it reminded me of this line lol 100% Poppy right now

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   Kristoffer Lestrange

© Fox
Learned his lesson, hm? Well, yes, if he’d known she was going to walk in on him without any warning, Kris would have spent the appropriate time preening before to be sure he looked his best. (More than appropriate, probably, until he was looking – irresistible, or whatever.)

Because that was really the mode of operation beneath all this, wasn’t it? Try to drive her crazy one way or another before she did the same to him. As far as Kristoffer’s ambitions went, this one had already proved unreasonably persistent. She hadn’t caved once any more than she wanted to and – well, he felt like he was caving every time he saw her. Look at this, would you: she’d come to his room and dragged him up out of bed and already he was obeying her every command without question.

Well. With question, which was lucky, because managing to get her to look at him at that inconvenient moment was just enough of a triumph to keep Kristoffer’s ego intact after all. It made him feel a little better about his reaction in bed just now. He didn’t say anything to mark the moment of victory, merely grinned – mostly to himself, because her eyes had darted, all too quickly, to the window.

Now that she had removed herself again, Kristoffer shrugged on a shirt and waistcoat and buttoned them up, then socks and boots, less able to be leisurely than he had supposed when there was evidently some escapade on offer. Poppy knew how he felt about surreptitious escapades.

So he was perfectly happy to indulge this, whatever the excuse for it – and the excuse soon came to light. “Oh, Charles,” Kris pronounced, grasping a jacket in one hand and throwing it over his shoulder for the moment, and placing his other hand on her shoulder, briefly, to tell her he was right behind her, and ready to go. “Well, now, that is an urgent issue,” he said, a flash of amusement in his eyes as he glanced down at her, “that we really do need to put to bed.” (A pity they weren’t literally putting anything to bed –) But who would handle whom, was the question; Poppy had called him her leading man. Now that was a challenge Kristoffer needed to win. He could handle a stupid horse.

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   Poppy Dashwood

Poppy could feel her skin threatening to scald off her bones as she faced the door to the guest room again. How terribly inappropriate of her! She was still kicking herself for the intrusion, the ridiculous notion that it would all be fine, and even worse for imposing on so private a moment as to interrupt Kristoffer shirtless! (She didn’t particularly have regrets catching him, she supposed. That was a pleasant memory, one she was going to have to be careful not to indulge any further!) The brunette pressed a hand to her burning cheek. Oh goodness!

His voice floated to her then, its teasing lilt tugging Poppy from her embarrassed rumination. Even though she was alert to him, trying to clock where the gentleman could be now, the sudden feel of a warm hand on her shoulder made Poppy shiver visibly. She turned towards Kristoffer, hazel eyes seeking blue in a moment of trepidation. Luckily it was amusement that she saw reflected in his perfect facade and a wave of relief washed over the girl. Poppy found herself echoing his little grin with one of her own, words still shuttered away as she took in Kristoffer’s presence fully from this close distance.

He cleaned up well despite how quickly she had hustled him into it, a thought that made Poppy almost feel guilty. With only a shirt and waistcoat he was more casually attired than she’d ever seen before and something in the brunette found it endearing. She decided distractedly then, as hazel hues looked him up and down, that this was her (second) favorite version of Kristoffer so far: sleepy, half-dressed and compliant. At that, her personality managed to loosen again and Poppy let a small laugh bubble up between them as she turned to gaze up through her lashes into his face once more. “I’m glad you’ve come to see things my way,” she quipped. Then, with what could have been a flirtatious little flutter, the brunette turned her back and pressed herself against the door.

There was no sound from the other side. Alright then, the time was nigh. Poppy sucked in a breath and made the leap for both of them. Without thinking too much about what she was doing, the brunette turned the door handle slowly with the hand still holding her hat. The other, her left, reached back to latch onto Kristoffer’s waistcoat lapel. She couldn’t dare to lose him if they only had a moment or so to dart.

Poking her head out, Poppy determined the coast was clear and ventured forth. She then she snuck out into the hall, tossing Kristoffer an adventurous look over her shoulder. They’d only made it so far as the end of the hall before the sound of footsteps made her heart flutter in a panic. She had miscalculated what time the servants started bustling, that much was obvious! Rounding the corner in haste, Poppy shoved Kristoffer up against the wall with what strength she had - knowing full well there was only a door leading to the back staircase there - and she pressed herself against him in an attempt to stay out of sight. A laugh bubbled up and the brunette clamped a gloved hand over her mouth to stifle it. It was a good thing the way out wasn’t much further.

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   Kristoffer Lestrange

© Fox
The problem, Kristoffer decided, was that he wasn’t awake enough for this. Physically, he was awake – very alive to every look and word and innocent brush of contact – but obviously he hadn’t shaken off the lingering imagination of a last early morning dream or his sense of social propriety hadn’t kicked in yet, because watching Poppy press herself up against the bedroom door like that was a little more than he could handle.

There wasn’t time to get any ideas, though, because she had already grabbed him by the waistcoat and pulled him away into the hallway. Well, he wasn’t going to protest: he could hardly lead the way, because she obviously knew the layout of the house far better than him. He could have protested to the risk of this little adventure, and what it would look like to anyone if they saw her flitting out of a guest bedroom at this hour – but of course he hadn’t, because he wasn’t selfless enough to give this little outing up, and it was too late now, and anyway, they were too clever to get caught.

That had been a close shave, though, Kristoffer thought, heart hammering, as Poppy threw them up against a wall to hide from the passing staff. And if he’d thought being pressed up against the door had been bad, having her flush against him and his back to the wall was worse. He couldn’t even listen to the footsteps in the background beneath his pulse roaring in his ears and the impulse rising in him –

He caught her, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her there tighter against him – out of necessity, which also made it torture. Because this was perhaps the closest they had ever been, no suggestion of space between them like when they’d danced, and he could see the flush of freckles dusting her face from this close and he could feel the delicate curves of her figure through her riding habit and and now he was really having ideas he shouldn’t. Her hand went to cover her mouth; meanwhile, Kristoffer leaned his head back against the wall and tried as hard as humanly possible to stifle a sexually frustrated groan.

Still, even as the sound of passing servants faded, Kris was slow to let go. She might be enjoying this – and so was he, secretly – but he shot her a raised-eyebrow look anyway, to feign some kind of disapproval. All this for Charles? (He didn’t believe that for a second.) The pretence didn’t last, anyway; he didn’t dare say anything aloud just yet, not until they were down the stairs and out of the main house, but he could offer her a slow, private grin. You’re trouble, you know that.

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   Poppy Dashwood

As the gentleman’s arm curled around her waist holding her to him, Poppy felt a small flush run up her spine. The alarm of being caught had subdued any sense of indecency such an action as pressing a man up against a wall ought to have incited, and now… as the footsteps beat a retreat, she was all too aware of it. The feel of Kristoffer holding her close, pressing against her in a way that left little to the imagination, made Poppy feel flush all over. It was a strange sensation, similar to that she’d felt earlier when she’d glanced him without a shirt and… possibly similar to the sensation she’d had kissing him all those months ago. Face suddenly heating at the thought, the girl blinked quickly and tried to push it aside. This was not the time or place!

The look he tossed her was slightly sobering then and Poppy did her best to school her features from the ridiculous grin that was threatening to take hold. She managed, mostly. There was no apology in her eyes however as she reluctantly pulled away, small hands pressing against his chest just for one last excuse to touch him. Luckily, Kristoffer himself didn’t seem too troubled by any of it and Poppy thrilled a little bit. At his grin, she only tipped her head and gave a little smirk as if to respond in kind. I know.

Finally, the coast seemed to clear and Poppy gently pried open the door beside them. It gave the slightest creak of pressure which made her flinch, but soon enough she swung the thing open. Poppy stepped through it first. From here it was a straight shot down the servants staircase out to the back where the barns and the fields were. If they were lucky, they wouldn’t run into anyone before making it outside.

With a knowing look over her shoulder, Poppy gestured silently down the stairs. She made her way quickly then, skipping only one trick step that squeaked unbearably. (She’d done this a lot as a child, mostly hiding from her nasty governess, hence why she still remembered the various passages and escapes.) At last freedom was in sight. With one last dart the brunette pressed forward through the remaining door and stepped out into the chill that was November at Dashwood Estate.

A light snow had fallen the evening before, frost still evident underfoot at this early hour. The dawn was still alight, only a hint of sunshine barely peeking over the horizon. Everything was cast in a morning blue and, as Poppy turned to face her sneaking companion, she couldn’t help the twinkly little laugh that escaped. “We’ve survived, reputations intact,” she quipped playfully. Only just.

© Fox
He was going to fantasise about this later. It was embarrassing and frankly quite irritating to even acknowledge he knew that already, but her little knowing smirk had cemented it for him, never even mind having her hand on his chest. Fucking Merlin, he might as well go back and lock himself in the bedroom right now.

But they were doomed or destined to be friends – an odd pair of friends – so, no, instead Kristoffer slipped down the staircase after her, not quite as sprite-like or as knowing as she – but he’d gotten into enough trouble of his own before to have half a mind for sneaking about.

And being out in the fresh snow and the crisp daylight shook off some of the feeling, which was probably for the best. (Although he could already picture her cheeks and the tip of her nose turning red from the cold and he didn’t know why the hell he should find that prospect endearing but –)

He tramped nearer to her to keep up, and shot her a shit-eating grin. “Well, for now,” he answered with an impertinent raise of his eyebrows. “But it’s your precious Charles whose reputation is really in danger,” he challenged, happy enough to go along with her grand idea for their little morning adventure, even if it did put pressure on him to actually prove himself a match for some bloody horse. Was he going to make a complete fool of himself in front of Poppy today? That wasn’t ideal, but... he supposed he was committed to it now.

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   Poppy Dashwood

Poppy couldn’t help the impish little grin that snuck across her delicate features in response to Kriftoffer’s proclamation of for now. She had no more fear for herself these days. He’d proven the utmost gentleman time and time again. Even this morning served as a perfect example of a situation in which she could have been caught wholly and entirely by surprise due to her own folly and yet… Kristoffer proved himself once again a splendid friend. Someone she could trust, someone she could perhaps even rely on. Another twinkly little laugh escaped at his comment about Charles’ reputation. “We shall certainly see about that,” came the only reply.

Turning then to lead in the direction of the barn, Poppy offered her small hand in the blonde’s direction. Perhaps it was a bit forward, or maybe even unnecessary, but her desire to hold onto him, to touch him, was incessant. Still fueled by the adrenaline of their narrow escape, Poppy couldn’t imagine the harm it would do.

The barn wasn’t too far from where they lingered. It was early enough that Charles hadn’t been brought in from the field yet however, so instead of heading in that direction, Poppy led the way out over Dashwood Estate. “I've brought something to help you along,” she admitted then, reaching into her habit pockets to retrieve a small handful of sugar cubes and one or two stray peppermint snaps. “His favorite are Bertie Blotts beans but I didn’t want to risk a bad flavor turning him unduly against you,” she teased. What Poppy would never admit was how significant this meeting was to her. It was almost like introducing Kristoffer to her family, submitting him for approval. In the end, it didn’t matter if he and Charles got along really. But the mere notion that he was willing to go along with her little ploy settled something wistful in the girl’s heart.

By the time they reached the edge of the field, Poppy was ready to hand the small handful of treats over to her companion. She gestured as much and then, without any due restraint or preamble, she climbed onto the first rail of the fence and whistled. It was a shrill, pointed sound, one many might not expect from the petite, always demure little debutant, but Poppy’s eyes glimmered with telling mischief. Across the way, a dapple grey gelding perked his head up, ears pricked at the sound. Poppy laughed, her nose red from the chill and her cheeks warm from excitement. As Charles made his lazy way over, head bobbing eagerly in anticipation of food, the girl climbed the rest of her un-lady-like way over the fence. She dropped to the ground on the other side with no hesitation, but took a moment to smooth her skirts.

Charles nickered gently upon the approach and Poppy hummed at the pretty creature, petting him with a gloved hand as he immediately nosed into her pockets looking for his reward. She laughed quietly into his neck and then turned, leaning against the pretty thing, towards Kristoffer. “Mr. Lestrange,” she said formally. “I’d like to introduce you to my 'Reliable Man,' Mr. Charles Dashwood.” A teasing grin accompanied the introduction, and Poppy subtly handed the horse a sugar cube to keep him happy. Her heart beat loudly in her chest and she could feel the scratchy fabric of Charles’ evening blanket against her back, but she hoped to keep the apprehension from her face. After all this, it wouldn’t do for her to put any pressure on the situation. That was not her aim at all.

Kristoffer Lestrange & Charles (show name 'Reliable Man')

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   Kristoffer Lestrange

© Fox
There was a smug self-satisfaction to taking her hand when she offered it, so matter of factly, as if it was inevitable. It was flirting with... Well, no, it wasn’t flirting with anything. It wasn’t even flirting, for that matter. Kristoffer needed to remind himself that Poppy Dashwood was just an interminable, insufferable, accidental tease.

Still, he could show her up today, as long as he didn’t make a fool of himself – which meant he had to impress her and her darling Charles both. (... And then maybe one day Poppy would open her eyes and abandon her once-proclamation about being friends, but Merlin’s sake. At what cost?)

Kris tried to suppress any twitch of a smile as he watched her clamber over the fence, any traces of elegant debutante thrown to the morning wind as she turned into some tomboyish, carefree hooligan of a girl, shooting off a whistle that made him almost startle out of his skin. Trying to shake off any sign of his surprise, he made his resolution to get this whole catastrophe over with, and clambered over the fence himself, as carelessly as he could feign.

He raked his eyes over Charles. He had talked a lot of talk, back at those horse races – but the fact remained that he was not a pet person. He could control a horse, of course – that was half confidence, and confidence was one of his supreme qualities – but he didn’t know quite how once was supposed to treat a horse fondly. “Charles Dashwood,” Kris deadpanned, rolling his eyes in mock-horror at her giving the damned thing her own last name, like he was some dear relation; he shook his head long-sufferingly and then turned his attentions, awkwardly, to the beast. “So now you’re reliable, are you, you big old horse?” he scoffed, patting at the horse’s cheek and hoping that his rival wouldn’t bite his hand off as he offered up the peace treaty Poppy had had the grace to supply him with. Someone said all sorts about you being too much to handle. I’m not sure I believe her,” he added, to Charles, and then shot Poppy a sly look. “Well? Want me to ride him?”

Poppy knew in some ways she was exposing herself today to Kristoffer more than she ever had in the past. He was seeing all sides of her mischievous, galavanting, adventurous penchants, for better or worse. She knew she ought to be more guarded, more pristine, but that was the thing about her relationship with the Slytherin… she didn’t feel the strangling urge to always be perfect around him. Poppy was mostly able to just be herself, all facets of unexpected, unladylike, and sometimes even uncouth, which she appreciated tremendously.

She nodded as the blonde seemed to clarify about Charles’ surname. Of course. He wouldn’t be hers if he wasn’t a Dashwood after all. Kristoffer approached them then and Poppy sucked in a small breath, watching. He seemed to address the creature directly, awkwardly, and she smiled. The brunette wasn’t sure what she’d expected of Kristoffer, but she was glad he was taking this seriously. At least as seriously as it was due. Charles for his part seemed to remain at ease, which spoke volumes to the blonde’s character.

A bubble of laughter escaped Poppy then as he asked to ride Charles. “If you’d like,” she replied easily. “But you’ll need a proper saddle for that. I don’t trust Charles enough to let you on here.” Especially without having ever seen the Slytherin handle a horse before. Charles was a particularly fussy gelding, all things considered. He needed soft hands and a firm leg, else he’d act out and likely throw his rider. The last thing she wanted was for Kristoffer to get hurt. “We can head down to the barn if you like. I’m sure there’s even time before breakfast to go for a ride along the estate, if you’re up for it.” Hazel hues glimmered with anticipation. It was chilly out, but there was one spot she’d like to show him if he dared to extend their little adventure.

Kristoffer Lestrange & Charles (show name 'Reliable Man')

© Fox
“Don’t trust Charles enough, or don’t trust me?” Kristoffer contested, a little convinced by her laugh at his question that she probably thought him incapable of it. Was he the best rider? No. But he’d played quidditch back at school, and while he’d hadn’t ever cared for it immensely, he knew how to handle a broom... and, by extension, a horse. (For starters, he had excellent thigh control.)

Poppy had suggested they go on a ride, and Kris had no intention of cutting this little outing short, even if it was cold outside this morning and he was probably a little underdressed, and he didn’t usually even care that much about horseriding. But in these circumstances, well...

“You’re on,” Kris answered, tone faux-careless but eyes gleaming with the same anticipation he could see in hers. Her giddy enthusiasm for everything was infectious, he hated to admit it. It was impossible to turn her down.

And if they went tramping about like hellions in the barn or around the estate, that was no problem with him. He shot her a smirk as he swung himself back over the fence to traipse towards the barn. “I could use something to work up my appetite. Or something to warm you up —” he added, reaching out to touch her pinkened cheek to see how she was faring in this weather. He didn’t want to get her into real trouble.

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   Poppy Dashwood

A fond look settled on Poppy’s features at her companion’s question. It was obvious he was suspicious and she shook her head gently to reassure him. “I trust you endlessly,” she promised. "It’s this monster I don’t trust,” Poppy laughed as she raised a hand to ruffle Charles’ forelock. Almost as if to prove a point, the gelding jerked his head up and snorted. “He’s a little bit touchy,” she admitted. “If you’re not gentle he’ll balk a bit and I’ve had him rear a few times. Nothing dramatic, he’s too lazy for that, but still. I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt this weekend.” Poppy gave him a meaningful look at that.

At her following suggestion to go for a ride however, Kristoffer seemed amenable. Poppy grinned and watched as he smirked in her direction before going back over the fence. She followed, unable to shake the stupid look from her face. It was so easy being with Kristoffer. Easier even than being with most of her other friends. Poppy wondered at this thought as she grabbed a lead hanging on the fence post and tossed it carelessly around Charles’ neck. She didn’t bother to fasten the halter as was appropriate; he could be trusted not to stray on the way down. The rope was merely a pretense at this stage anyway. There wasn’t anywhere the gelding cared to wander off to when Poppy was around. They’d bonded early on, and while he was fussy with most, Charles tended to be fairly well behaved when it came to the diminutive brunette.

She was just reaching to open the gate, nodding at Kristoffer’s assertion about appetites, when something gently brushed her cheek. Poppy looked up quickly, not realizing how close they still were despite the fence between them. His eyes were so, so blue in the early morning light. “I’m… I’m alright,” she managed to respond, heart thundering away in her chest. (Rude, traitorous thing.) Her cheeks flushed nonetheless and Poppy could still feel the brush of Kristoffer’s thumb as he pulled away. “We can always have tea when we’re back,” she added with a gentle tilt of her head and a reassuring smile.

Deciding then it would be rude to her guest to ride the horse down over his blanket, Poppy let Charles out through the gate. She fell into step beside the Slytherin as they made their way back towards the barn. “I’m… sorry, too, for barging in on you unannounced this morning,” she admitted, sheepishly, cheeks warm all over again. "I should have mentioned my intentions last night."

Kristoffer Lestrange & Charles (show name 'Reliable Man')

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   Kristoffer Lestrange

© Fox
“Don’t be sorry,” Kris countered, unable to resist the smirk that surfaced at her sheepishness. “Barge into my bedroom any time.”

He might have thought she was taunting him with her forwardness, between slipping in through the door before he was so much as dressed, or the close call going down the stairs – he could still imagine her flush against him, and all that rising frustration – but she really was too adorable to mean it properly. She was still a good girl, not quite the hellion she might suppose – the rosy smudges on her face spoke to that. He would almost be sorry to corrupt her, if she ever let her guard down far enough to let him. Almost sorry; but not quite.

Still, his smirk did soften as they walked, although Kristoffer studiously ignored her gaze as he amended his previous remark. “You know you’re never a bad surprise.”

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