A few questions regarding Goblins...
- Concerning Goblin lifespan: I can find no mention anywhere on the site, nor any other concerning the lifespan of Goblins. It is only implied by their concept of theft that they live longer than wizards, however that could be a misunderstanding. I'd like a more concrete answer to this so that I can better develop my character's history.
- Concerning Goblin reputation: The only mention I can find is that if you marry a Goblin your reputation falls to -5. The only non-human reputation I can directly find is for Veela, Vampires and Werewolves.
- Concerning property: It's my understand this site is an AU, and I was wondering if Goblins are allowed to own property (real estate), or if they dwell beneath the bank in their own community. I've seen it done both ways so I wanted to be clear.
Thank you all in advance and if I have overlooked anything on the site, then I also apologize in advance for wasting your time.
Happy Friday