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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

I can hear the sounds of violins, long before it begins
She planned nothing mundane, but nothing particularly overwrought either. Sophia faced him as she backed down the hall, coyingly drawing him forward like a flame beckons a moth. There was far more distance between them than what she'd recently grown accustomed to, though she hoped he might close the distance.

"Well, no real magic," she hummed, feigning an apologetic look. She had finally stopped, her back against a door that had her name quite clearly emblazoned on a brass plaque in front of it. Her private dressing room. "I'm afraid to say that I'm fresh out of secrets to share with you, Ozymandias," she added, testing the sound of his first name on her tongue.

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thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
He followed eagerly.

"I find that just as hard to believe now as I did the first time you said it," he said. He felt a bit less cautious now about sudden acts of magic; she had lulled him back into security with the sway of her hips as she walked away from him, the fire in her eyes and the use of his first name. They were dispensing with what little pretense had remained to them. He moved close to her, enough to have her trapped between him and the door, though if she elected to retreat into the dressing room he wouldn't complain about following her.

"You seem like the type of woman who can keep a secret," he said in a low, suggestive tone.

MJ is the light of my life <3
The cut of attitude in his response caused somersaults in Sophia’s stomach, and she lingered expectantly as he leveled his full height against her. A woman of lesser fortitude might’ve looked aside, might've played off his sentiment, or squirmed away like a hare in hand. Soph was nothing like this, and stood unflinchingly as she bore her gaze into the man’s eyes even when she felt her cheeks flush. She wanted him to see her like this. Just a little.

“I’m very good at keeping secrets,” she agreed conspiratorially, tempted to the swift exit of the comfortable confines of her room, and seeing no reason she should ignore it. Her hand found the doorknob, and gently opened it behind her. “Do you have any to share?” she asked, stepping back to coax Oz into the room with her. No tricks, her coy expression promised.

[Image: bwQbAnd.png]
thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
Oz slid into her dressing room as soon as she cleared the way for him, and in one fluid motion shut the door behind him. He didn't lock it (yet); he didn't want her to feel he was being predatory, and if things progressed in that direction they could always turn the lock with a spell from across the room, without putting too much of a pause in any other activities.

(Besides, he was sure everyone in this building knew what they were up to, anyway; the star and the patron disappearing together was an old cliche).

"I might be persuaded," he agreed, watching the blush on her cheeks attentively. "I give excellent gifts, though that needn't be a secret unless you'd prefer it to be." This was a rather transparent offer, but if ever there was a time for transparency, this was it: they were alone in her dressing room, and he'd already sent her roses. They'd both displayed interest already; now it was time to discuss the terms of the arrangement. "And I have a few other talents that aren't as well advertised."

MJ is the light of my life <3
Sophia took a few steps into the room, whirling back to watch Ozymandias close the door. Feeling a touch disappointed by their loss of proximity, she had to resist the urge to stride right back and perhaps trap him against that door. But if nothing else, the art of performance taught her that there is a moment to act - and an equally important moment to pause and wait.

At the mention of gifts, a coquettish smile crossed her lips. For someone who said he could be persuaded, it certainly sounded like the current moved in the opposite direction. “Oh, no need for gifts,” she answered smoothly. “I much prefer to receive acts of service myself.”

Allowing his imagination to elaborate on the meaning, the ballerina took a seat on the edge of her chaise lounge.  Of course she loved gifts, and anticipated this man’s cheque book also served as his diary for a wide variety of sordid interests. But agreeing to take part in that was simply not the impression Sophia wished to give. She’d sooner crawl out of her own skin than associate with the profession of a prostitute... This being a fine line that rakish men did not often appreciate in their bumbling assumptions about the “lower class”. As if one’s desire to pursue love, dreams, and ambition had anything to do with their dignity. Such a suggestion would normally lead to a prompt dispatch at the hands of two burly stagemen, but then this situation was not normal, and Sophia did not feel offended. Ozy played his cards well, after all.

In return, Sophia did not feel the need to impress herself on Dempsey. This was her territory now, and in fact, she felt rather predatorial in anticipation. He would come to her when ready, she decided, using this opportunity to lean back one on arm and tilt her head. Best not scare away the kitten. “Ah, I have a penchant for spotting hidden talent,” she teased instead. “I’m pleased to hear that my instinct is not wrong.”

“I’m certain that I would quite appreciate your various talents,” she went on, her low demure tone belied by the direct appraisal of their terms. “Though I must confess that I prefer setting clear boundaries between my personal and, mm, professional life.” Sophia had a life outside of this. Quite an important one, one that involved setting examples for children, and having some bit of regard for the reputation of her better-stationed siblings. Still unsure if their paths may cross beyond this, Soph was not inclined to subject herself to what others had to say about what a woman can or can’t do while in mourning wear.

“Of course, that makes me no less passionate about my work. If anything, it makes me far better at what I do.” She schooled her expression to mirror his aloof demeanor, but she knew her lingering blush gave it away.

[Image: bwQbAnd.png]
thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
Oz was puzzled but intrigued by how she had pulled back, both verbally and physically. Acts of service, hm? If this had been a more casual affair that phrase might have put him off; unless she was speaking strictly of sexual favors, it seemed to be a lot of work for a woman he didn't particularly care for. Here, though — well, Ozymandias wouldn't commit to saying he cared for her, but he was hooked to the point where he wasn't prepared to be waved off so easily. A bit of effort didn't seem the worst thing in the world. She was worth it.

He may have determined to keep pursuing her, but that didn't mean he knew what his next step should be. She was still blushing, which seemed to indicate her continued interest, but her body language wasn't welcoming him in. Her words were even worse: clear boundaries between her personal life and professional life. Taken without context, he might have heard that as a rejection, but after she'd just led him through the catwalks he refused to take it as such. There had been fire in her fingertips as they trailed across his waist — it hadn't been his imagination or the magic. There was something genuine there.

Ah, of course — she'd smirked from the idea of gifts because she didn't want to give the impression her affections had been bought. That was what he should have read from her blush. She wanted to be treated like a lady; she wanted to be seduced.

Oz could do that.

He crossed to the chaise and lowered himself to his knees at her feet. He leaned one elbow on the cushion next to her and looked up at her with an imploring gaze. "I would be a poor patron if I did anything that jeopardized your passion on the dance floor," he allowed. "But you must be aware of what you've done to me."

MJ is the light of my life <3
The truth was, she wanted to be seduced.

The woman sat up expectantly with his approach, heartbeat kicking up as he prostrated himself before her. Though common assumptions suggested otherwise, Sophia had only had two lovers in her life. Her late husband, and a friend who was very dear to her after what happened. Each with their own devastating consequence on her, poisoning the idea of anything quite like a relationship ever again. Soph needed something uncomplicated.

This man, with his head nearly in her lap like a puppy, was uncomplicated.

Sophia smirked despite herself, feeling the urge to be devilish. Any residual anxiety about the unknown vanished into a thrum of anticipation through her entire body, but the brunette was nothing if not disciplined. It simply would not do for her to make the closing move. But with brown eyes so imploring, she leaned forward suggestively. Sophia let her silence swell in the room while her fingertips gently raked through his hair, being a bit insistent that he look at her properly. 

“Then it seems we have a general understanding,” she finally assented. “Though I cannot say that I am aware of what I’ve done to you. Do you intend to do something about it?”

[Image: bwQbAnd.png]
thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
Oz intended to do anything she would let him get away with, but it wouldn't have been very romantic to come right out and say it. Instead, he signaled his desire by bringing his free hand up to brush against her knee. He'd been holding off on touching her initially lest he come across as too pushy, but he'd taken her fingers in his hair as more than enough encouragement to cross that particular boundary.

"You've captivated me." He glanced down just long enough to gauge how far from his hand the hem of her dress was. Having assessed it as reasonably near he 'accidentally' caught it on one of his fingers and slipped his hand onto the upper edge of her shin instead. The feeling of the tights before his fingertips was unfamiliar but tantalizing.

"You've enchanted me," he continued with a smirk. "Literally and metaphorically. As for what I intend to do about it..." He smiled slyly at her. "I mightn't be opposed to a few acts of service to show my appreciation."

MJ is the light of my life <3
Sophia had more legitimate excuses to be manhandled than most, considering the various male ballet dancers in their company. So it was quite impressive that this flicker of movement against her knee caused somersaults in her stomach. Clearly, Ozymandias knew how to have an effect on people.

“Oh?” Her blue gaze did not flicker away from his as she felt that hand wander, though a playful smile encouraged him along. It was a pleasant change of pace, she decided, to feel as though someone wanted to perform for her.

A shallow breath escaped her lips as he found her shin, tracing the lightest circles against her tights with a barely there feather-light touch. It created friction that begged for more, but Soph wouldn’t be so uncouth to suggest as much. She was doing a poor job at keeping her poker face, however. Especially in light of that wicked smile.

Putting on a pensive look over his suggestion, her grip on his hair melted to caress the side of his face. “Now that you mention it, I may have such a favor to ask of you now,” she said with a coy smile, fingertips dancing down his temple, then neck, before lingering over the soft silk of his cravat.  She gave it a tug, as though to straighten it into place. “You told me to ask earlier… might you undress for me?”

[Image: bwQbAnd.png]
thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
Her question surprised him, though of course he had anticipated that things would head this direction. It wasn't the usual cadence, though; it was typical to kiss first, and let everything come off in the heat of passion that flourished after. Undressing himself without the distraction of kissing or touching would leave him rather exposed... perhaps by design. She had put him into a few vulnerable positions tonight already, and she seemed to enjoy it. This latest turn could have been part of her game, but if it was, it was a game Ozymandias didn't mind playing along with.

"For you, anything," he teased softly as he moved both hands to the buttons of his shirt. When it was time to remove the cravat he caught her hand there. He moved it towards his lips as if tempted to kiss the inside of her wrist, then instead placed her hand on his newly bared chest and leaned in to her touch.

"Should I keep going?" he asked with a playful smile. With his right hand he reached around her waist and traced a light pattern along her back. "Or should I help you catch up?"

The rehearsal dress may have been revealing by the fashion standards of the day, but he still couldn't wait to see what she looked like beneath it.

MJ is the light of my life <3
It was the showmanship she wanted to see, and was pleased to find him inclined to deliver it in stride. Sophia made no secret of her interest as she watched him maneuver over each button, eyes roving over each added inch of exposed chest. The sight had her heart pounding in her ears. It even nearly made her miss his teasing remark, which only served to make her giggle. Anything, she would have to see to believe.

Breathless as he took firm grasp of her hand, Sophia allowed herself to be pulled closer still. It was hard to not be disappointed to miss that suggestive graze of his lips, though she happily took his alternative. Her fingers twitched against his grip that held her hand in place against his chest, itching to explore.

His question brought her attention back to his face, and made Sophia reveal her most charming smile. “I intend to put you to a bit of work, Ozymandias," she informed him with nearly a purr. "Help me catch up, won’t you?” She angled both her knees away to turn her back towards where his right hand drew a shiver up her spine.

[Image: bwQbAnd.png]
thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
Hearing his name in that tone of voice was like the feeling of moving his hands over her tights. It made the hair on his arms stand on end. Merlin, he wanted to kiss her.

He dutifully turned his attention to the laces on the back of her dress. It was a small and simple garment, so it didn't take much time for him to loosen them to the point where the dress could be slipped from her shoulders. Oz took a second to slip his shoes off, then climbed onto the chase behind her. There wasn't really room to sit, but his aim hadn't been comfort; he wanted to wrap her in his arms from behind when the bare skin of her shoulders finally became visible.

He leaned his head down to her next and breathed in the sharp, clean scent of her perfume. He slipped one hand around to her breast while he used the other to slowly tip her dress off her shoulder.

MJ is the light of my life <3
So obedient, she thought delightedly. Those fingers against her laces sent a thrill through her entire body, and Merlin if she didn’t want to simply drag him up to the chaise with her and jump his bones, to hell with the art of seduction. But that would make things end far too quickly, and Soph hoped to squeeze from this moment every last drop.

Tempting though his lips were, the action felt oddly more intimate than what they were doing now. (No doubt they would, eventually, but this all felt far more urgent.) She moved expectantly for him to take a seat behind her, and hummed in assent as she felt the shoulder of her dress slip down. The room was a comfortable temperature, if not a bit warm, yet goosebumps came over the tops of her arms exposed to the air all the same.

A yearning need for more touch dropped her head back gently against his chest. Sophia wiggled in his grasp to help herself from the trappings of her dress, while tilting her head to her left shoulder to expose a bit more of her neck and suggest where he might focus his attention next. If her left hand darted back to grab his thigh for balance when he reached for her breast, fingers digging sharply into the shape of his muscle there, she didn’t mean to. She was simply coming undone.

It was fortunate that Ozymandias was behind her, to not see the grimace that came over her face at the intrusive thought. What the hell - why did the thought of him occur to her now, of all damn times? It shook her off the pleasure of the present moment, but Sophia was determined to not let it get in the way. The interruption afforded her enough sense to come out from her lustful haze and make a quick gesture of her hand towards the door, at least. The lights dimmed slightly with her movement (she’s a very visual one, and still intended to see every detail), while the door’s lock gave a pronounced click. It served to speak her mind cleary: please continue.

[Image: bwQbAnd.png]
thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
Oz had apparently trained himself to find the sound of doors locking erotic; the mark of a man who seldom bothered to keep secrets except when it came to affection. In any case, the noise made his pulse quicken. He nuzzled his nose against the top of her neck just behind her ear and ran his hand down her arm, slipping her dress off as he went. It was a testament to her dance training that even this felt so graceful as the sleeve slid down her arm. Oz imagined an artist could paint them in this position and credibly call it art rather than vulgarity.

To get her other sleeve off he'd have to angle her body differently, either towards him or away. He decided on towards him: using his opposite arm to cradle her shoulders, he leaned her body back slightly as though they were waltzing and he'd just dipped her. This brought them face to face once again, and Oz took a moment to meet her eyes, exploring the various shades of blue, before he leaned in to finally kiss her.

MJ is the light of my life <3
It didn’t take long for his ministrations to ease Sophia back into her previous train of thought. A soft hum of pleasure left her lips at his breath on her neck and fingers prising her from her dress. Had she anticipated his visit, perhaps she would’ve worn something nicer than the simple white chemise that served as her last barrier to modesty. Though soon even that thought went out the window. As he dipped her back gently, she resolved that these garments wouldn’t stay on for long enough to be appreciated anyway.

As their gazes came level, they could see the effect they’d had on one another properly. Like the blush that cascaded from her cheeks to pinken her neck and chest, or her bedroom eyes matched with softly parted lips as she tried to even out her breathing. Kiss me, her blue eyes said. And then he read her mind.

They started gently, sensually at first. Sophia had a bit of work to do from this angle, other arm free now to shimmy off her other sleeve. Her toes busily slipped off her shoes. The dress pooled by her waist. She arched gently back against him then, hoping he would enjoy the show enough to let her assertively deepen their kiss. The exploration of each other’s mouths already had her heart beating like a battering ram in her chest. Perhaps she would’ve been embarrassed by it, and the eagerness with which she worked against him, if she wasn’t certain the same was happening to him.

A distant corner of her mind thought again about Jacob. Damn it all, this is not a convenient time for guilt. She quashed the thought with renewed attention on the feeling of Ozymandias, his bare chest against her back, and a lingering taste of spearmint on his tongue. Trusting his hold on her, both of Soph’s hands found his hair again, tugging him closer, closer still (still not close enough). The dancer parted from their kiss, however reluctantly, for only a moment.

“Shall we get more comfortable?” she asked, demure question belied by her low suggestive tone.

[Image: bwQbAnd.png]
thank you gin for the set<3

[Image: event.png]
Oz wouldn't have minded continuing on just as they were, but he could appreciate her desire for comfort. She wanted to be seduced, after all; being bent over the edge of the chaise as though he simply couldn't help himself wouldn't have fit the picture they were painting. I'll have to send her a poem after this, he thought somewhere in the back of his mind. She knew he had been raised by poets and she appreciated beauty; she would expect nothing less.

"Allow me." He moved her to her feet and took a second to appreciate how her dress slid off her hips before he followed. He retrieved his wand from his pocket (thank Merlin for expanding pockets; without them he wouldn't have been half so flexible just now while keeping his wand close at hand) and cast a series of short incantations on the chaise. It grew longer and wider, nearly the dimensions of a bed, and the solitary pillow that had been resting against the recline created copies of itself. This ought to do for comfort — plenty of space to get into mischief.

Oz turned his attention back to her with a smile (and if the smile contained a trace of aren't I clever? at least it was only a trace). He tossed his wand down towards where he'd discarded his shirt and shoes, then reached for one of her hands. He lifted her hand to entice her to twirl the way ladies would while waltzing, then caught her and lifted her up against his chest in a bridal carry.

He kissed her. His chest thrummed. Of course a part of it was lust, but he had had casual affairs before and knew that feeling well; there was something else here, too. Spinning her around the room and catching her this way hadn't only been performative. He was having fun. He hadn't lied or embellished earlier: she had captivated and enchanted him. He didn't even dread the idea of picking out a few lines of poetry to send her later — in fact, some might have been drifting through his head already. Breathe a word or two of fire. Smile, as if those words should burn me.

Ozymandias broke off the kiss and laid her down on the chaise. "Comfortable?" he asked slyly. He once more knelt at her feet, this time running his hands up both her legs. He relished the feeling of the tights; he intended to remove them in short order.

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   Sophia Lissington

MJ is the light of my life <3

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