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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

But there are some things you're good at and then some you can't control
"I'm not drunk," Elliot reminded her. It was unfortunate that she seemed so reticent to believe him. He sighed. "What would I have to do? For you to love me back?"

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   Temerita Reid

avs by Bee!
"That's not funny."  The reproach came quickly but didn't save her from the pang of something she couldn't quite put a name to that twisted in her chest.  She wanted to pay it no mind - the ramblings of someone who was clearly not themselves - but she found herself looking up at him anyways, searching his eyes.

Eventually she pulled her gaze away, casting about for some kind of direction.  "What am I supposed to do with you?" The fretful question was more for herself and the street at large than the man whose arm she still held.

Elliot wished she would meet his gaze. Instead, he reached his free hand up to squeeze her elbow where they had locked arms. "You can do whatever you want with me, Temerita Reid," Elliot said, tone serious — (for all that even he knew he was turning flirtatious.)

The following 1 user Likes Elliot Carmichael's post:
   Philomena Sprout

avs by Bee!
So distracted by her indecision, she only distantly registered his gentle gesture and was entirely unaware of her own.  Her free hand moved to rest on top of his as easily and automatically as  stepping over a familiar threshold. 

She couldn't help the small whine of frustration as she weighed each of what she saw as her only options.  They all seemed equally bad for different reasons.  She could let him floo alone in his state and risk him getting lost and stuck somewhere dangerous.  If she took him to St. Mungos she'd at least know he'd be safe but would be exposing him to gossip.  And if she took him herself...

"Right." she said with a sudden decisive tone.  She planted herself in front of him and reached to clasp his upper arms, trying to corral his focus.  "Tell me where you'd go.  Whats your Floo stop called?"

Elliot sighed at her lack of engagement with his definitely-flirting, but it was thrilling to have her hands on his arms. "The Brandon Carmichael residence, Llantrisant, Wales," he answered dutifully, in a rote tone. For someone so small, she could be awfully commanding — especially when Elliot was being ridiculous.

avs by Bee!
She nodded encouragement with each clear and confident word until he got past 'residence'. Her expression twisted in alarm for the beat it took him to get through the following word to 'Wales'. She'd heard enough Welsh to know the word was at least somewhat Welsh but she would never be able to tell if it was right.

"Wales." she groaned. Her head dropped in momentary defeat, her forehead butting against his chest. She didn't even know if that was a town, plot name, or some silly embellishment he added for fun that would absolutely get him lost.

She straightened and held him at arms length again. "Say it again?"

Elliot smiled, pleased, at her exasperation. She'd always been funny about Wales. He wished she wasn't so far away, even though they were physically closer tonight than they'd ever been.

"The Brandon Carmichael residence, Llantrisant, Wales," he repeated, sounding amused.

avs by Bee!
She listened intently for any hint of fumble or slurring, even watched his mouth as he said that particular word but hearing it again didn't help as much she wanted it to.  Any thought she might have had to repeat the word back to him died on the tip of her tongue and to top it off he seemed to find it funny.

"Don't laugh," she chided, her expression softening to a sheepish smile.  "I'm trying to get you home safe."  She let her hands drop to her sides.

"Will you go straight home?  And send me an owl when you get there?"

Elliot was still clearly enjoying this, but he gave her the grace of not laughing at her. "I will go straight home and send you an owl when I get there," Elliot said, in a very affable tone. "I promise." He still thought it was silly that she was worried, but — he thought it was sweet, that she was worried.

avs by Bee!
She studied his face for a moment longer. His easy amusement was doing more to put her at ease than her test had. It was hard to stay worried when he so clearly wasn't. She came to her decision with a resolute nod of her head.

"Right, lets find you a fireplace." She returned to his side and linked her arm with his, moving to steer him along.

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