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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

For Keeps
July 1st, 1888

You really ought to make sure you're well rested before you go, who knows how long the investigations into the fog will take. You won't be at your best if you're half asleep! I hope it was all worth it. I really wish you'd send somebody in your place, but I know you won't change your mind now.

It may be a little late in the morning at this point, but I've sent some croissants on Mrs. Harding. Have some coffee, Love. You know the only other way I'd agree to stay in bed all day was if you were there too. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
01 July, 1888

I'll make sure I get a good night's rest tomorrow night. The Ministry plans to send us in groups, and I don't expect them to be too methodical in the way they sort us; with my luck, I'll end up with a bunch of dim-witted fools who need a babysitter.

Thank you for the croissants—I enjoyed them, as did my secretary. Hopefully the coffee she brought me will bring me out of my morning haze.

Well have our bed soon enough. You'll be able to look out the window every morning and watch the sea while Mrs. Harding makes you tea.


set by MJ!
July 1st, 1888

Please make sure you do rest. I'm trying to have the utmost faith that you're going to be just fine, so things like that are not helpful. I hope the ministry only bothered to enlist useful people. I'm going to pretend that they do to ease my own nerves.

I'm glad to hear they were enjoyed. I do hope your secretary isn't getting the wrong idea about all these treats showing up.

You're making it incredibly hard for me to be patient when you tell me things like that, you know that right? You still need to woo Mrs. H away from my mother. I wish you the best of luck with that.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
01 July, 1888

There's no need to stress over my well-being, lovely. I have been in far more perilous situations than wandering through the fog with a bunch of idiots. There's no guarantee we'll run into anything dangerous.

It shouldn't be too hard wooing Mrs. Harding. I'll just put on a charming smile, sweet-talk her, and promise her a change in scenery that I'm sure she's in need of, at the moment.


set by MJ!
July 1st, 1888

You know how I tell you not to worry about me? Yeah, that's how I feel, so knock it off. It's in my job description now, like it or not.

I'd really like to watch this interaction happen. Mrs. Harding is not easily won over, thought I don't doubt you could do it, she'll be a tough sell. I am her favorite though, so far as I know, which may help, but I'm not helping you. We may have to find my mother a suitable replacement before we can just up abscond with her housekeeper of a little over a decade.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
01 July, 1888

It's in a man's nature to want to protect his woman, just as its in a woman's nature to be concerned for her man's safety. I suppose neither of us will be satisfied, then.

I'll find a way. I always have.


set by MJ!
July 1st, 1888

Oh Love, if only you could see the look I'm giving that letter right now. I know you mean well, so I'm going to let it slide. I doubt this will all be so intense when the fog is finally gone and you're not wandering off into the abyss.

Not to mention, at some point, you'll be coming home to me every day, so I won't have to worry. Mrs. H is also a mean chef in addition to baking, you best be prepared, if you can win her over, that is.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
01 July, 1888

I don't see any problem with the sentiment. I do not mean to worry you, but if you plan to spend your life with me you must know that my job is dangerous no matter the time of year or crisis at hand.

(Or at least it had been. I'm not sure what changes might come once all is settled given my promotion.)

I would never turn down an amazing cook. A man like myself needs to be fed constantly; I'm always on the move. I'm sure I'll be able to increase her pay given that a cottage needs less staffing than a full-fledged family home in Bartonburg.


set by MJ!
July 1st, 1888

I was scoffing at the "protecting his woman" comment and you know why, but mostly because I'm not sure I enjoy being referred to that way? I'm not sure. Also you know firsthand I have a mean right hook.

I'm well aware of how dangerous your job can be; we seemed to start on a intense pitch, I was hoping it could slope downward after this. I wouldn't be foolish enough to think there will be no danger in your position, but I do have to admit that your promotion gives me a teeny, tiny peace of mind that you may be stuck at your desk a little more often. I would rather you came home in once piece more often than not.

I'm not sure Mrs. H knows how to cook for a small amount of people, I am one of five remember. I'm sure she'd figure it out just about the time we have children and then it would be a moot point.

I'm going to call it a night, please get some sleep tonight.

I love you.

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Edric Umbridge

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
01 July, 1888

Right hooks won't protect from suspects that are dangerous with their wands. I remember you telling me Defence Against the Dark Arts wasn't your best subject, hm? And not to mention that I would have put you on your behind if I'd been willing to fight a woman.

I'm sure the position will have me in the office more often than not, much to my dismay. Hopefully that much is enough to soothe you.

I love you, too. Goodnight.


set by MJ!
July 2nd, 1888

Well that was something to wake up to. I'm tempted to pretend that letter never arrived, but for argument's sake, which we tend to do fairly often, here we go.

Your confidence in me is astounding sometimes, did you know that? Defense may not have been my best subject, but I actually worked very hard at it and I learned quite a bit. I'm not saying I could take down a madman in the middle of the street, but I'm not some waifish princess who needs to be rescued either. I sincerely hope that's not what you think of me, because that's how it reads. I'm not angry with you, I just feel as though this is something you should know.

Undermining my Independence is not going to win you any brownie points.

A cinnamon roll this morning, they were fresh out of the oven, I hope it's still warm when you get it. That's when they're the best.

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Edric Umbridge

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
02 July, 1888

It is not a personal attack on your ability; incidents over the years have me convinced not only women, but fully-grown men as well, are incapable of protecting themselves in the face of danger. Defence Against the Dark Arts can teach you the spells, but it cannot teach you how to handle the stress of facing your potential demise.

You are no "waifish princess", but neither are you trained in combat. You could not imagine the guilt I would feel if anything happened to you when I could have potentially prevented it. You know I only worry because I love you, not to undermine your independence.

The cinnamon rolls aren't poisoned, are they?

(I'm teasing.)


set by MJ!
July 1st, 1888

Again, ye have little faith, why would I poison you? Your pessimism knows no bounds sometimes. I'm going to have to see if I can improve that, just a little. Though I do love you just the way you are, a little less doom and gloom would be nice.

I suppose we're all very lucky to have such a well-trained set of aurors looking after us then. I am especially lucky because I have the best.

Are you all packed for this trip? I slept awfully last night just thinking about it.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
02 July, 1888

I consider myself more of a cynic than a pessimist, thank you very much. I believe my worries are very well-founded as well. I took a leap of faith and ate it, and I have yet to foam at the mouth. How much longer until it kicks in?

(I'm still teasing you.)

I've packed with what I was advised to bring. Please don't lose sleep over me.


set by MJ!
July 2nd, 1888

As if cynicism is any better than pessimism. Hopefully my endless optimism will balance you out. I'm a realist at heart, but either way.

How are you feeling now? It should have taken a couple hours to kick in... I'm kidding. What would I possibly want to poison you with? I've already managed to charm you, so armortentia is out and I don't wish you ill or dead, though the temptation to make you ill enough to stay home was fairly high...

As for losing sleep, I'll continue to do so until we're sharing the same bed, Love. Then I'll be losing it for a different reason I'm sure, but that's much more preferable.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
02 July, 1888

They say that opposites attract, but we're alike in so many ways that I've begun to believe the opposite is true, too. The stubbornness, worrying, the constant desire to bed the other. Not to mention the dark hair and light eyes — we'll have the prettiest of children, I'm sure.

I'm beginning to feel sleepy, though I'm convinced that's from reasons other than a tainted cinnamon roll. I'll definitely be sleeping well tonight, love, though I'd be willing to sacrifice it if it meant being at your side.


set by MJ!

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