“Mine?” Cliff sputtered out, his mouth falling open before he promptly clamped it closed. He eyed the girl cautiously, wondering just how hard the tiny creature had hit her before he found his gaze lowering to the bowtruckle cupped in her hands. He glared at the stupid thing, his pinky finger still dully throbbing from where it had pinched him. He hadn’t done anything to it outside of touching the sapling bud, and it had no right to be protective over a tree that wasn't even rooted into the dirt. “If it was mine, it’d be underneath my shoe right now.” He ground the tip of his shoe into the ground for emphasis.
He hated bowtruckles. For being relatively peaceful creatures, they were certainly possessive over a tree he’d grown and they had decided to freeload in and live in. Cliff had to spend money he didn’t have for woodlice and fairy eggs to appease the thing so he could cut the tree down. “I assumed it was your guard dog, making sure people don’t touch your arrangements unless they were actually buying it.” He blew out a breath of air from between his lips. He shouldn’t be rude to her, but she looked like she was about to side with the creature. He glared at it again before he finally looked at the girl’s face.
He hated bowtruckles. For being relatively peaceful creatures, they were certainly possessive over a tree he’d grown and they had decided to freeload in and live in. Cliff had to spend money he didn’t have for woodlice and fairy eggs to appease the thing so he could cut the tree down. “I assumed it was your guard dog, making sure people don’t touch your arrangements unless they were actually buying it.” He blew out a breath of air from between his lips. He shouldn’t be rude to her, but she looked like she was about to side with the creature. He glared at it again before he finally looked at the girl’s face.
@"Daffodil Potts"