(May 4, 2022 – 10:43 PM)Caroline Weasley Wrote: [Unuseful but appreciation post]
<3 I love him, will stalk him and probably have absolutely nothing for him since I'm on low-character mode - my only adult Anthea was a year older than him. Caroline is enamored with him (and his kneazle) and is making urban legend stories.
(May 4, 2022 – 11:52 PM)Elsie Kirke Wrote: Mmmm that is a handsome face. My herb nerds include Daffy and Mason, the former spends her turns at the Hogsmeade market probably about once a month, so may know him from there! Same with Quinbert. Ella might also be a hilarious run in!
Anyone in particular you wanted a thread with?
(May 28, 2022 – 9:59 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote: A very belated post here, but my likeliest options...
— Tybalt was his year & housemate, I feel like Quin might not have much patience for him but if Tyb crossed paths with again he would almost certainly try to be friends!
— Conall is an equally grumpy magizoologist, would be the sort to be wandering in the Forbidden Forest for creature reasons and would obvs appreciate fellow grumps xD
— Ishmael is Ishmael, a vampire contact re: forest matters perhaps?
— Savino is about the same age and usually likes eccentrics, might come to ask him about how to talk to centaurs for divination reasons lol
— Viola is a regular at the Hogsmeade market, super bubbly and curious about people with the potential to be a real annoyance to him, you've met her~
Quin was very friendly & outgoing when he was in school. Maybe they were even friends back then?
The rest sound equally fun. Any pairing in particular you wanted to kick off with?
“Like every tree, stands on its own
Reaching for the sky I stand alone.”
Reaching for the sky I stand alone.”