"Of course." A short breath of relief escaped him when she asked. Without knowing anything of the man who harmed her, Dory wouldn't have been willing to leave her completely on her own. What if he returned? What if he finished the task this time? Dory would almost certainly suffocate under the weight of that guilt.
He didn't comment on the bruise, nor did he allow any grimace to show on his face as he realized the force of the hit required for it. She was lucky to be conscious after that, especially if he then considered the bruising on her neck.
After pressing a brief kiss to her hand, Dory stood and shrugged off his coat. "I can sit over here and keep watch if you'd prefer." He wasn't about to climb into bed with her without explicit permission, even if all he wanted to do was hold her to him.
He didn't comment on the bruise, nor did he allow any grimace to show on his face as he realized the force of the hit required for it. She was lucky to be conscious after that, especially if he then considered the bruising on her neck.
After pressing a brief kiss to her hand, Dory stood and shrugged off his coat. "I can sit over here and keep watch if you'd prefer." He wasn't about to climb into bed with her without explicit permission, even if all he wanted to do was hold her to him.