The accusations of the youngest Potts sister reached Faustus and he pressed his lips into a hard line, forcing himself to focus past her cries. Daffy was the one they were looking for. Her and —
Faustus turned in the direction the constable had just shouted towards and saw who he could only suppose to be the last Potts sister among the crowd, looking extraordinarily relieved, but worried. Faustus gestured towards her too, flicking his wand toward the barrier to let her pass so she could be with her sisters. So there was just this Daffy person they were looking for. While not exactly a relief to hear, given that he'd have rather had all of them alive and accounted for, the fact that they wouldn't have to go digging through what was sure to be a fatal pile of rubble for the last sister was of some comfort.
The Head Auror turned back to the wreckage and followed the young constable in, his blue eyes aimed above them. A quick wave of his wand shielded them from some remaining light debris that was trickling down. "We must hurry." He said. "Miss Potts said Daffy was upstairs which means she must have fallen onto the ground level." His lips pressed back into a hard line as his eyes scanned the debris. The dust was hanging in the air, being blown about by their disturbances. Faustus coughed as the dust slipped easily down his throat as he spoke.
"Do you know where she might have been if she was upstairs and fell down here?" It hadn't escaped him that the young man seemed to at least know the group of sisters better than he did at present. Faustus only prayed to Merlin that it was enough to know the layout of this building. It was obviously small, but eliminating any area of the shop would buy them precious time.
Faustus turned in the direction the constable had just shouted towards and saw who he could only suppose to be the last Potts sister among the crowd, looking extraordinarily relieved, but worried. Faustus gestured towards her too, flicking his wand toward the barrier to let her pass so she could be with her sisters. So there was just this Daffy person they were looking for. While not exactly a relief to hear, given that he'd have rather had all of them alive and accounted for, the fact that they wouldn't have to go digging through what was sure to be a fatal pile of rubble for the last sister was of some comfort.
The Head Auror turned back to the wreckage and followed the young constable in, his blue eyes aimed above them. A quick wave of his wand shielded them from some remaining light debris that was trickling down. "We must hurry." He said. "Miss Potts said Daffy was upstairs which means she must have fallen onto the ground level." His lips pressed back into a hard line as his eyes scanned the debris. The dust was hanging in the air, being blown about by their disturbances. Faustus coughed as the dust slipped easily down his throat as he spoke.
"Do you know where she might have been if she was upstairs and fell down here?" It hadn't escaped him that the young man seemed to at least know the group of sisters better than he did at present. Faustus only prayed to Merlin that it was enough to know the layout of this building. It was obviously small, but eliminating any area of the shop would buy them precious time.