Sisse graceful sank down onto the blanket beside Mr. Selwyn, feeling relief at the change of topic and the easy way they could adjust away from everything that had happened. Her skirts pooled around her as she tucked her knees to her side. "I have not." To be honest she rarely spent time up here with so many other places to go and things to do. But she did use a school owl to regularly send letters home. "A pleasure." She inclined her head toward the owl as if he were a potential dance partner, a small half smile curled her lips as the owl preened. "And quite handsome." Sisse added, although really the owl was a bit fearsome in appearance. But she supposed for owls that meant they were handsome.
"Do you visit him often?" She knew quite a few students who visited their owls regularly and didn't just use them to send letters. Mr. Selwyn, surprisingly, seemed one of the former.
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
"Do you visit him often?" She knew quite a few students who visited their owls regularly and didn't just use them to send letters. Mr. Selwyn, surprisingly, seemed one of the former.
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom