Instinct seemed to be the only think preserving their heads tonight as Miss MacFusty lurched forward, Eugene had started to pull her out of the way, having noticed the mishap with her spell immediately. He narrowly avoided whacking his head on the wooden floor of the cottage as Miss MacFusty crashed atop him, knocking the wind from him. Dazed, he hardly registered their compromising position until the dust settled and she was asking if he was alright.
Eugene laid his head back down against the floor. "I could ask you the same thing." He made no motions to move, his hands resting on her upper arms where they had landed to break her fall, afraid to move them. "What poor luck we're having tonight." He managed, refraining from truly laughing, considering the night's events and losses thus far. He did have to admit that their current position afforded a bit of warmth Eugene hadn't realized he'd been lacking, but they were both soaked to the bone and warming up needed to be their next order of business.
"How about you sit tight and I look around to see what we have for supplies. I'll try and start a fire with our uh... new arrival." He motioned to the fallen log with his head, but still stayed put, waiting for her to make the first move from their current position.
Eugene laid his head back down against the floor. "I could ask you the same thing." He made no motions to move, his hands resting on her upper arms where they had landed to break her fall, afraid to move them. "What poor luck we're having tonight." He managed, refraining from truly laughing, considering the night's events and losses thus far. He did have to admit that their current position afforded a bit of warmth Eugene hadn't realized he'd been lacking, but they were both soaked to the bone and warming up needed to be their next order of business.
"How about you sit tight and I look around to see what we have for supplies. I'll try and start a fire with our uh... new arrival." He motioned to the fallen log with his head, but still stayed put, waiting for her to make the first move from their current position.
![[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]](