Ford didn't think the conversation had progressed to any conclusion whatsoever, much less a conclusion satisfactory enough that he wanted to start firing off spells. He chewed his lower lip. He didn't have any better ideas than trying to end the enchantment on the mirror. He certainly thought that had a better chance of working than trying to use an offensive spell against the glass. At the very least, this route was less likely to end with one of them injured and still stranded on the inside of the mirror. The worst that could happen, Ford imagined, was that their situation was materially the same, except that some of the magic about them had gotten a little more or less complicated.
If he'd been called out to deal with this as part of a Ministry job, he probably would have gone about it differently — looked something up, tried to figure out the spell that had caused this, taken his time. He didn't have the luxury of a library and an infinite amount of time in here, though. He also wouldn't be called to anything like this, because things that affected corporeal beings were well outside of his division, so he had no relevant expertise to draw on.
"Well, I suppose," he decided. "If we die, stick around and I'll find some way to make it up to you. Finite incantatem."
If he'd been called out to deal with this as part of a Ministry job, he probably would have gone about it differently — looked something up, tried to figure out the spell that had caused this, taken his time. He didn't have the luxury of a library and an infinite amount of time in here, though. He also wouldn't be called to anything like this, because things that affected corporeal beings were well outside of his division, so he had no relevant expertise to draw on.
"Well, I suppose," he decided. "If we die, stick around and I'll find some way to make it up to you. Finite incantatem."

Set by Lady!