Hello! I've finally found the time to come back to Charming, partially anyways. I'm only keeping Addison active at the moment, and I don't know if I'll ever bring Breccan or Baz back.
I'm looking for plots to get Addison back into the swing of things and talking with people. He's recently dropped out of Hogwarts to begin working for the Ministry in order to help support his parents (AKA his grandparents) and is feeling rather upset about that. So here's what I'm looking for!
I'm looking for plots to get Addison back into the swing of things and talking with people. He's recently dropped out of Hogwarts to begin working for the Ministry in order to help support his parents (AKA his grandparents) and is feeling rather upset about that. So here's what I'm looking for!
- Interactions with fellow Ministry workers, ranging from friendly (helping him learn how to work) to not-so-friendly (looking down on him for his status, his lack of manners or his bad habits).
- Continued conversations with school friends. Letters or Hogsmeade weekends, maybe? Even better if there are other WC/MC people his age working at the Ministry or around there that can relate to Addison.
- Work interactions with non-Ministry people. Addison can show up at your family's fireplace and tell you what's wrong with your Floo, or help someone sort out a lost child who happened to say the wrong address (*cough*DigonElley*cough*)
- Someone to discover the truth about Addison's family (that the woman he thinks is his sister is actually his mother, or his father's true identity)
- Romance? Now that Addison's actually out of school and more interacting with actual who have (gasp!) been married for a time he's beginning to try to sort out his own future that way, because if he's not worrying about the job/OWLs aspect of his future, then he's worrying about the romance part!
- Addison's family is still very much wanted! Along with wanteds for his (grand)parents and his supposed sister/biological mother, his (grand)maternal family is pretty open, and it's also possible he could have half-siblings from his biological father.