"The Forbidden Forest," Ford answered, as though this should have been obvious. He was still catching up to how much he hadn't told Cash about this whole situation, so even the question surprised him. Where else would he have stored a wardrobe full of an angry fledgling dementor? He couldn't have put it anywhere that people might be for the same reasons he couldn't have left it in the Muggle inn. Anyone who might see it might interact with it, which meant they might find a way to open it, even if it had been magically sealed. Even if they didn't, the dementor could feed on them through the walls, if they got close enough or if their feelings were strong enough. That was hardly an efficient way to starve it out, nevermind the effect it would have on the people it preyed on.
"I've been keeping the wardrobe out there, except when I found out about the werewolf I thought that might be dangerous. That a werewolf might damage it and accidentally let the thing inside out," he explained. "So I buried it and I left a marker on it, but I guess during the moon the werewolf must have gotten a hold of the marker, because — anyway," he said with a slight flush, not even sure if Cash was listening at this point — he hadn't actually asked for all of these details and Ford wasn't sure whether or not he wanted them. "Anyway, I looked up this old finding spell that I think will work, but it takes a long time to cast — since most finding spells rely on you having a piece of what you're trying to find, and I don't."
"I've been keeping the wardrobe out there, except when I found out about the werewolf I thought that might be dangerous. That a werewolf might damage it and accidentally let the thing inside out," he explained. "So I buried it and I left a marker on it, but I guess during the moon the werewolf must have gotten a hold of the marker, because — anyway," he said with a slight flush, not even sure if Cash was listening at this point — he hadn't actually asked for all of these details and Ford wasn't sure whether or not he wanted them. "Anyway, I looked up this old finding spell that I think will work, but it takes a long time to cast — since most finding spells rely on you having a piece of what you're trying to find, and I don't."
Set by Lady!