Quote:Hi Aardvark! I have a few things for you:
I have @"Adrienne Selwyn" who isn't in Ravenclaw and is a year above Addison, but her twin Aristide Selwyn is, and if Addison knows of Ari at all, then he'll probably know Adrienne. She's very nice and wants to be a midwife. As far as advice goes, she's quite frank, but she's not cruel. I'd be down to throw them in a thread together and see what happens!
I also have Octavius d'Orsay who is the DADA prof and the Gryffindor HoH. Not the Ravenclaw one, but he also does 1:1 lessons and can give some good advice!
I'd be up for a thread with Adrienne and Addison! Also, unrelated, but I think it's funny that their birthdays are a year and a day apart xD
Addison is struggling with DADA so I'd love to have him start asking d'Orsay some questions about the subject and homework and all that.
Rowan here and Breccan were in the same house, different years though! She often tutored people, so if they knew each other after that, then I'm down to thread them! She just visited the shipwreck for her job, so if Breccan heard that she visited, he could get in contact with her?
Breccan dropped out in his third year, but I think they had some overlap so it's definitely possible they knew each other! He's living in London so it's possible they could've reconnected there at some point? He'd definitely be a bit curious about the shipwreck. Nothing more interesting than a tragedy.
I have Meredith Edgecombe! She's the Manager at Ivy Leaf which has a branch in both London and Hogsmeade; she's also a bleeding heart, in addition to being the 'Cosette' in the Revs. They also hang out at the Augrey Beak Cafe in London! Really anywhere she saw him if she noticed he was sitting alone and looked nice enough she'd probably strike up a conversation with him.
I also have Louisa Clearwater who is MC, but she's a governess and could use some friends around town!
I'd love to toss Baz and Meredith together! He'd possibly end up in the Cafe in an effort to escape his (s)mother. He likes to talk so that'll probably work well xD
Yes! More servant-ish friends (sort of. xD) We could do a thread in Irvingly? I imagine Baz has some friends there that he visits from time to time so it makes some sense.