Never mind your parents, Evander thought to himself, I will have to celebrate. For she had said yes, had agreed to be his wife - he didn’t know how to possibly begin celebrating such a thing, but he could see himself now finding it hard to sit still or sleep or - anything but wander the house in a daze.
A happy daze, to be sure. The anxiety would no doubt creep in again sooner rather than later - there was the wedding they were so casually speaking of, and the thought of actually meeting her parents in person after so long knowing her, and then there was telling people about the engagement and hoping Charity liked her and imagining what their life would be like once they were married - but at the moment it was all an impossible blur.
Except the expression on her face, which was more guileless or more gleeful than usual and made him want to smile all the more. “I -” Evander began, seeking some way to express the burst of something in his chest, but fell back upon a simpler sentiment. “I’m glad.” He smiled again, exhaling a little in another wave of relief. “I’m looking forward to it, actually.”
Maybe he was teasing her a little, again. He wasn’t sure. At any rate, he lifted a hand to her cheek and leant in to kiss her once more. After all, they were engaged; it was not so unthinkable now.
A happy daze, to be sure. The anxiety would no doubt creep in again sooner rather than later - there was the wedding they were so casually speaking of, and the thought of actually meeting her parents in person after so long knowing her, and then there was telling people about the engagement and hoping Charity liked her and imagining what their life would be like once they were married - but at the moment it was all an impossible blur.
Except the expression on her face, which was more guileless or more gleeful than usual and made him want to smile all the more. “I -” Evander began, seeking some way to express the burst of something in his chest, but fell back upon a simpler sentiment. “I’m glad.” He smiled again, exhaling a little in another wave of relief. “I’m looking forward to it, actually.”
Maybe he was teasing her a little, again. He wasn’t sure. At any rate, he lifted a hand to her cheek and leant in to kiss her once more. After all, they were engaged; it was not so unthinkable now.