Oh, he was jumpy. This probably meant that Zelda should leave him alone, if she was feeling charitable, but she was not feeling particularly charitable — because she was not going to have the evening she wanted, because she was not sleeping well, and because the scarf in Greengrass' hands had her feeling a little tightly-wound.
"So you're not close, but you are drinks friends," Zelda said, using a similarly distantly curious voice. She knew that she was being at least a little unfair. A year ago, she might have described Jo Smith similarly to how Greengrass was currently describing her brother — but poking fun at her brothers' friends was fair game, and she had a suspicion that Greengrass would make it easy.
"So you're not close, but you are drinks friends," Zelda said, using a similarly distantly curious voice. She knew that she was being at least a little unfair. A year ago, she might have described Jo Smith similarly to how Greengrass was currently describing her brother — but poking fun at her brothers' friends was fair game, and she had a suspicion that Greengrass would make it easy.