In truth his first thought had been his mother. He'd initially believed a finished house with tasteful décor would please Miss Lestrange more but then it had occurred to him that women liked doing that sort of thing and the prospect of making a home of his new house might be a gift in itself. Plus it would save him from any awkward situations where Miss Lestrange might somehow not care for his mother's tastes (which was crazy but he supposed possible) and save him money on redecorating something freshly installed. "I had imagined that of my wife." He smirked a little at her knowingly.
He wanted to give her a grand tour and he was determined to manage at least the first floor. If he was going to rule out the upper floors he needed to quickly rethink where he'd propose to her. Reluctantly he braced himself and began to lead her off towards a door on the left side of the entrance hall. He tried to tread as lightly as he was physically able but the brief standstill hadn't given his wound enough time to miraculously heal any. "I believe this is intended to be the drawing room although it needn't be." Charles opened the door and waited to see if she would go further in or not. He didn't plan on moving past the doorway himself on account of being economical with his movements but on the upside he could admire her from afar if she did take a closer look.
He wanted to give her a grand tour and he was determined to manage at least the first floor. If he was going to rule out the upper floors he needed to quickly rethink where he'd propose to her. Reluctantly he braced himself and began to lead her off towards a door on the left side of the entrance hall. He tried to tread as lightly as he was physically able but the brief standstill hadn't given his wound enough time to miraculously heal any. "I believe this is intended to be the drawing room although it needn't be." Charles opened the door and waited to see if she would go further in or not. He didn't plan on moving past the doorway himself on account of being economical with his movements but on the upside he could admire her from afar if she did take a closer look.