She smiled at the remark about not being polite, and might have said something about it had she not been so thoroughly distracted by the note he slid across to her. Oh! How exciting! It had crossed her mind, of course, when she'd been setting up this meeting, and since he had offered his flat as one possible meeting place it had evidently crossed his as well. Given that she didn't know how he would react, though, she was leery of choosing any location that might have increased the feeling that he was being ambushed by this information, and by her. Intruding on his personal living space to give him a bit of news that might not have been welcome wasn't something she'd been interested in. Since he wasn't angry and they were on even footing now, however, she was enthusiastic about the idea. She might have suggested he finish his drink and they head off directly, but even Juliana had enough sense not to be seen walking from a bar to a flat in a bad part of town in the company of a strange man. Instead, she gave an enthusiastic nod, still smiling.
At his next question her smile tempered somewhat, though lingered in a more muted form. "A few. Anonymously. It's quite tricky to arrange, but — what was it you said? 'There's so much lost in a written interview,'" she paraphrased cheekily. "So it's worth the hassle, when it's possible. But it's — well, it's difficult to find the right way to ask. You understand." She paused a moment, then wagered a guess: "You wouldn't have agreed, if I'd asked you."
At his next question her smile tempered somewhat, though lingered in a more muted form. "A few. Anonymously. It's quite tricky to arrange, but — what was it you said? 'There's so much lost in a written interview,'" she paraphrased cheekily. "So it's worth the hassle, when it's possible. But it's — well, it's difficult to find the right way to ask. You understand." She paused a moment, then wagered a guess: "You wouldn't have agreed, if I'd asked you."
Prof. Marlowe Forfang