Ford was finding himself nodding, not because he believed Darrow necessarily but because it seemed like a reassuring thing to do — until Darrow mentioned his wand. Ford's eyes widened, brought back to the situation at hand abruptly. The situation being not that Darrow was crying and needed someone to get him through this, but that Darrow was the aggressor here and that Ford was at his mercy and had been actively trying to distract him from his wand. Of course Ford had had one eye on it this whole time, so he knew exactly where Darrow was headed when he turned around. Before he could fully think through the consequences of his actions, Ford surged forward and thrust his foot out, hitting Darrow's wand and causing it to roll under the set of cabinets that Darrow had just been sifting through a moment ago.
He froze, eyebrows raised as though he were as surprised by this turn of events as he imagined Darrow would be.
Set by Lady!
He froze, eyebrows raised as though he were as surprised by this turn of events as he imagined Darrow would be.
Set by Lady!