Poppy's features knotted in confusion. Of course, logically, she knew there could be a situation when there was not enough air; such situations typically resulted in death given, understandably, that one could not breathe. But this was, in her limited experience, a rather ordinarily sized boxing...structure? With all the usual doors and windows to allow the flow of air so that the patrons—and especially the athletes—didn't drop dead.
"Can you not breathe, sir?" Poppy asked with concern, placing her fingertips lightly upon his sleeved forearm. Where was Chester when she needed him?
Poppy's features knotted in confusion. Of course, logically, she knew there could be a situation when there was not enough air; such situations typically resulted in death given, understandably, that one could not breathe. But this was, in her limited experience, a rather ordinarily sized boxing...structure? With all the usual doors and windows to allow the flow of air so that the patrons—and especially the athletes—didn't drop dead.
"Can you not breathe, sir?" Poppy asked with concern, placing her fingertips lightly upon his sleeved forearm. Where was Chester when she needed him?