In hindsight it would have been better to offer some greeting and then trap him, but Billy only realized that (with a decent amount of annoyance) as Greengrass went wide-eyed and ducked behind a cabinet. Letting out an irritated sigh, Billy stomped towards the cabinet, wand still in his hand but not raised, until he was looking down at a very alarmed Ford Greengrass.
"Get up," he scoffed, shaking his head. He didn't put his wand away, if only because he assumed Greengrass might try something in return, but he held it against his thin in the least threatening manner that he could manage in his irritation. "You're not supposed to be here right now." Nobody was supposed to be home, save for the servants he'd been so carefully avoiding.
"Get up," he scoffed, shaking his head. He didn't put his wand away, if only because he assumed Greengrass might try something in return, but he held it against his thin in the least threatening manner that he could manage in his irritation. "You're not supposed to be here right now." Nobody was supposed to be home, save for the servants he'd been so carefully avoiding.