Dearest Octavia,It is terribly sweet that they've been friends so long, but discouraging, too — like you I have no friends from Hogwarts to call on for affection, and I dare say that even if I did they should not be in a position to marry for at least several years... Even my brother is only twenty-four, and I think it's more usual for men to wait until twenty-eight to marry, don't you think? But you must tell me about your hopefuls! And you know, if you are very hopeful about them you might take advantage of Madam Synastra — I saw an advertisement for her divination services and Helga and I wrote to her and she told us all sorts of things about the men we were destined to marry (though no names, unfortunately), and she said if we had a particular gentleman in mind she could do a tarot reading just for that pairing and see if it was favorable or not. You ought to write her and tell me what the cards think! I can't help but imagine you'll be whisked away so soon, even if you were distracted last season...
I don't know the date for my coming out yet, but I suppose I ought to write Holden and ask about it — I'm sure they must already be planning things, since they're meant to be such large spectacles? But of course I've no experience of it. I'll write and let you know the date as soon as I have it!
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