Caroline had never doubted it, any of it, and Evander supposed he would just have to get used to that, begin trusting her, if their future was to unfurl just like this. What moved him most, he thought, was the very slight tremor of her hand - what he knew as nerves was probably excitement from her view, but that she felt anything so strongly that it became visible was a sign of something beneath all her perfect composure of the everyday.
He managed to ease the ring onto her finger, knowing he would have to offer a fervent thank you to the maid later for her assistance, but for the moment quite forgetting her presence in the room as he leant in to kiss Caroline gently, not yet satisfied with any words that had come to mind to say.
“Your parents knew of my intentions, of course,” he put in eventually, as he drew back, with a smile of slight teasing, “but they will have to hear from you before they believe it, I’m sure. And I hope you will not be opposed if the wedding preparations are left very much under your command?” Considering the way she had decorated the place for Christmas, he fancied that Caroline would be rather thrilled by the prospect of such a project.
(Was it too soon to talk of weddings? Evander was trying very hard not to miss the signs again; perhaps he had come a little over-prepared today.)
He managed to ease the ring onto her finger, knowing he would have to offer a fervent thank you to the maid later for her assistance, but for the moment quite forgetting her presence in the room as he leant in to kiss Caroline gently, not yet satisfied with any words that had come to mind to say.
“Your parents knew of my intentions, of course,” he put in eventually, as he drew back, with a smile of slight teasing, “but they will have to hear from you before they believe it, I’m sure. And I hope you will not be opposed if the wedding preparations are left very much under your command?” Considering the way she had decorated the place for Christmas, he fancied that Caroline would be rather thrilled by the prospect of such a project.
(Was it too soon to talk of weddings? Evander was trying very hard not to miss the signs again; perhaps he had come a little over-prepared today.)