Elon felt bad for Chatham. Perhaps he'd be one of those star students and score all Os on his OWLs and get to stay on a scholarship? That possibility made Elon feel less guilty of his privilege.
"Defense Against the Dark Arts, most certainly," Elon replied. It was his favourite subject and the one he was consistently good at. With the others... It would depend on how he did on that day, he supposed. "Then, I suppose whatever sticks out to me when it is time to pick my courses."
"And what about you? What are your career plans?"
"Defense Against the Dark Arts, most certainly," Elon replied. It was his favourite subject and the one he was consistently good at. With the others... It would depend on how he did on that day, he supposed. "Then, I suppose whatever sticks out to me when it is time to pick my courses."
"And what about you? What are your career plans?"