Addison expected this. NEWT classes did seem decidedly interesting, and he felt it was a shame that he would have to miss out on them. He knew a majority of his classmates were sticking around, which made it all the more unfortunate that he was not.
"I won't be staying for NEWTs," he said. Best to get that out of the way. He was sure most of his classmates might've suspected or already heard it from himself, "I heard that Alchemy promises to be rather interesting, though, provided you're fair enough at Potions."
It was a subject that, given the chance, Addison would gladly take. Potions was a fascinating subject, after all, so Alchemy must also be rather interesting
"I won't be staying for NEWTs," he said. Best to get that out of the way. He was sure most of his classmates might've suspected or already heard it from himself, "I heard that Alchemy promises to be rather interesting, though, provided you're fair enough at Potions."
It was a subject that, given the chance, Addison would gladly take. Potions was a fascinating subject, after all, so Alchemy must also be rather interesting