How was she feeling, indeed. Mortified, unsure, full to the brim with questions were her immediate thoughts. Was that what he was asking or did he mean physically? Her hangover wasn't particularly awful, she didn't think. A headache and some sluggishness in her movements, but it could've been far worse had she not vomited before turning in. And, besides, she wasn't vomiting now, so that had to speak for something.
None of which left her with an easily spoken answer for Nemo. Penny did her best to keep her focus either on his face or the bag of pastries in his hand, but she couldn't help the single quick glance towards where the creature resided. Did it make noise? How had she never known it was there before? Was he uncomfortable?
"Okay, I think," she said a beat too late. Awkward tension rippled through the room still, likely to exist for all time now. "Head hurts a bit, far better than I was expecting after how much I had to drink."
None of which left her with an easily spoken answer for Nemo. Penny did her best to keep her focus either on his face or the bag of pastries in his hand, but she couldn't help the single quick glance towards where the creature resided. Did it make noise? How had she never known it was there before? Was he uncomfortable?
"Okay, I think," she said a beat too late. Awkward tension rippled through the room still, likely to exist for all time now. "Head hurts a bit, far better than I was expecting after how much I had to drink."