Of course he didn't know, if he knew who was sending him such letters he would know whether he wanted to encourage this lady or not. If he didn't care for the advances he probably wouldn't want to share it and would sooner ignore it or let the lady down. If he did have a fancy for the lady he probably wouldn't want to be sharing private love letters.
"Well she must know you..." That was stating the obvious but maybe this woman was only vaguely acquainted with him, one didn't need to know someone properly to deeply admire them. "I would imagine she works at the Ministry, brother. It must be a bold lady who would send you this and ladies who work amongst so many gentlemen must be bold."
"Well she must know you..." That was stating the obvious but maybe this woman was only vaguely acquainted with him, one didn't need to know someone properly to deeply admire them. "I would imagine she works at the Ministry, brother. It must be a bold lady who would send you this and ladies who work amongst so many gentlemen must be bold."