He rolled away, taking that ... creature with him. Was it attached, then? But how? Penny peeked towards him with morbid curiosity, her embarrassment the only reign on her long list of questioms. She really ought to stand and dress before he turned back towards her, save them both from further mortification. However, Penny wouldn't be able to slip from the bed without wrapping the shared blanket around herself and, well, she wasn't quite prepared to face the monster beneath the sheets.
(Was it a creature with its own brain? A parasitic type being that attached to men sometime after birth? Penny had too many questions and not enough answers.)
Realizing there was no escape, Penny kept her focus on the ceiling as she quietly asked, "Nemo? Are you awake?"
(Was it a creature with its own brain? A parasitic type being that attached to men sometime after birth? Penny had too many questions and not enough answers.)
Realizing there was no escape, Penny kept her focus on the ceiling as she quietly asked, "Nemo? Are you awake?"