Had he not been so awfully uncomfortable just a few minutes prior, and were she in just a few more layers, Penelope would have allowed herself the passing joy of falling back to lean against him. None of this would matter come morning, Merlin knew she'd be lucky to remember it at all. But for a minute or two indulging in what could've been had they taken the step they danced around for so many years would be nice.
If only.
She remained firmly on the arm of the sofa but reached down to lightly brush her hand over his hair. Ever since graduation any casual touch between the two was a rarity. Before graduation maybe even. Penny couldn't remember when they had crossed the line of being permitted to jest with one another to having to consider every move. What she would give to go back for just five minutes.
Outside the window, the fireworks show hit its climax. Their room was lit up with all the bright colors of the fireworks. A strange, fuzzy feeling took over her then. One she might've remembered as a crush were she sober enough to consider such feelings.
If only.
She remained firmly on the arm of the sofa but reached down to lightly brush her hand over his hair. Ever since graduation any casual touch between the two was a rarity. Before graduation maybe even. Penny couldn't remember when they had crossed the line of being permitted to jest with one another to having to consider every move. What she would give to go back for just five minutes.
Outside the window, the fireworks show hit its climax. Their room was lit up with all the bright colors of the fireworks. A strange, fuzzy feeling took over her then. One she might've remembered as a crush were she sober enough to consider such feelings.