Eloquence blinked at the... squib? A squib who could apparate? Loq was momentarily bewildered, but shook it off and decided to think on it later. She had to get out of here. "Alright, well do get yourself to St Mungo's, I'm positive they can help you there", she advised, alarmed by the increasingly rat-like visage before her. "Er, thank you for your help, sir", she managed, but that was the only remaining pleasantry she had time for.
Trying to firm her quivering grip on her wand, Loq focussed and, with a crack!, transported herself home. A blessedly rat-free home where she would be resolutely scrubbing away the afternoon's horrors in a four-hour bath.
![[Image: loq-sig.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/zFmFgxw/loq-sig.jpg)
Trying to firm her quivering grip on her wand, Loq focussed and, with a crack!, transported herself home. A blessedly rat-free home where she would be resolutely scrubbing away the afternoon's horrors in a four-hour bath.
![[Image: loq-sig.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/zFmFgxw/loq-sig.jpg)