15th September, 1890
Dear Billie,
MERLIN’S PANTS, BILLIE! THAT IS AMAZING! I can’t believe you’re on the team already! I’d better start betting on you seeking for Britain one day, because even most of the best professional players didn’t get on their house teams in first year! (Only don’t get too much of a big head about it because then it’ll be too big for your body and you won’t be able to balance on a broom any more!)
Only joking, I’m so pleased for you and I think your housemates should probably throw you a party for that. I wouldn’t worry about a thing; they wouldn’t have picked you if they didn’t see how good you were. Seeker is a very important job in the game, but, win or lose, as long as you stick up for your teammates on the pitch and off it, they’ll always stick up for you.
I’m very well thank you - better now you’ve made my day! We still have bludgers for now. If you ever get them back at school you’ll be zipping around dodging them no problem, anyway, after catching all those snitches!
gorgeous set by Lady!