September 12th, 1890 GIDEON!
I bet you can't ever gess what not in a milyun yeers. And no I aynt expeled or fownd a nifler or nuthin.
I did it! I tried out for quidditch and the only opening they had was for a seeker not chayser like Gus but gess what?! I MADE THE TEEM. I'm gona be the Hufflepuff seeker! I gess caching all them rats and cats and them peske bowtrukls was good practis. I hope I do real good in a game. Hermea said she wood help me with quidditch and clases a littel.
Gideon ya didn't have to make fun and just said you was eting ok. I just wure cuz you are all alown now. Quin is good cumpane but he don't remember some things ether.
No bude snores but one of them girls talks in her sleep. Weerd things like cactises dansing with teepots.
I will try to be real good at potions then if it is kinda good for wandmaking. I fownd some books abowt creechers that I am going to read and this boy showed me one that's a real mistree.
Gideon! That aynt a cat! Maybe you need to get your eys chekt by a heeler. I know your old but I didn't think you was that old.
What did you name it??? I hope it don't make a mes of all the wands. Or poop on the flor. Speshuly sins I can't sweep it real good til krismus. That's a long time from now.
OK I gota go. I have to not fall asleep in astronomy. This class is way to late.
Your Seeker doter Friend,
MJ, yet again working her magic. <3 <3 Thank you