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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Dear "My Romeo"
14th July 1890

Romeo –

Even if we may grow annoyed with them, they do only with the best for us. I can't stay angry for long. I wouldn't put it past my mother to do something like this for my brother if he was still unmarried as well.

I am glad you think so but I cannot bring myself to agree. Momma says I'm to much of a romantic and I think that is more likely that being wise. Maybe I've just read to many romance novels that have filled my head with dreams of wonderful fantasies. Besides, you are a man. Parents raise little girls to be prepared for marriage. Parents raise little boys to be educated or have careers. I'd be surprised if you thought much of marriage at all!

I think the dance format was quite novel though nothing will come of it. After all my first dance was with my sister's fiancé and another was with a boy from my year in school! I don't think I could ever think of marrying someone in my year. I can still see him as a first year all plump in the face after all!

I would love to be of assistance. Off the top of my head I do believe most of everything of some significance this upcoming month is themed around Quidditch - but that is a given with the Cup. Nothing planned that will make or break someone's social standing that is for sure. You'll have to write to me about any specific events or people (host or otherwise) you wish to know more about.

As far as seers, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint. I do know of a few however they aren't particularly society figures. There was a girl a year or so below me in school - she wouldn't have graduated yet - who has a bit of a reputation for seeing horrible things that are going to happen to people. I don't believe she's ever had any vision that wasn't negative.  Beyond her, I've heard the new divination professor this year at Hogwarts is an actual seer. Shacklebolt is her name. There are a few other family names I can give you that have a reputation for that sort of thing but I cannot say one way or another if they are actual seers. Trelawney, Vablatsky, and Carmichael. There might be other's who just don't advertise it. If you find someone who is they might be able to direct you more than I. I quite liked divination in school but I am by no means a seer.

From a Romantic,

[Image: n6cJGfq.jpg]
Lady makes such lovely things.

Messages In This Thread
Dear "My Romeo" - by Octavia Fawley - July 6, 2020 – 3:24 AM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Witch Weekly - July 6, 2020 – 11:56 AM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Savino Zabini - July 6, 2020 – 4:57 PM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Octavia Fawley - July 7, 2020 – 3:08 AM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Savino Zabini - July 21, 2020 – 12:45 AM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Octavia Fawley - August 11, 2020 – 5:29 AM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Savino Zabini - August 22, 2020 – 12:03 AM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Octavia Fawley - September 19, 2020 – 2:18 AM
RE: Dear "My Romeo" - by Savino Zabini - September 23, 2020 – 1:05 PM
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